{Mina} - I'm right here with you

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Mina stared up at the clock on the wall before she looked back down at you with a look of sadness in her eyes.

She keeps rubbing your back as you lean on her and grip her hands so tightly that you keep worrying you might break them.

But you just can't help but squeeze them and Mina can't find it in her to complain, even when your grip hurts a bit. Because she's not sure how else to help and she knows she can't take away your pain.

You've been anxiously awaiting this day. The day when you'd finally meet your baby. You knew it wouldn't be easy. You knew it would be extremely painful.

But it's worse than you ever thought it'd be and you've been going through it for, according to the time, almost twelve hours now.

It's not quite close to being time yet but it's getting closer. Mina can tell with how close together the pain is getting. They come every two minutes now and every single one seems more torturous than the last.

Mina snapped out of her thoughts when you groaned quietly and then let out a small sigh as the pain faded slowly but surely.

You pulled away from her and she cupped your cheeks in the palms of her hands. She stared into your eyes, noticing the sad look in them.

"I don't know if I should ask this or not but how long has it been now since this started?" You asked and Mina stroked your cheek softly.

"About twelve hours."

You groaned and lowered your head.

Mina knew you were getting discouraged.

Although it's close to finally being time, you've still got a little bit more to go, and she can only imagine the disappointment you feel knowing it's still not time yet.

"At this point, I'm convinced they're never going to come."

She giggled and kissed your cheek and although the smile you sent her was small, she was happy to see it.

"Just a little more." She whispered. "You're doing amazing. You're leaving me in awe."

"Awe? How so?" You wondered.

"I've been in awe of you from the very first day we found out you were pregnant. With everything you had to go through. But now, seeing you go through everything, knowing it's all because our baby that you've been keeping safe for the last nine months is about to come - it amazes me. You're so amazing and so strong."

"I don't feel strong." You mumbled. "I feel miserable."

She chuckled quietly and parted her lips, about to tell you that despite how miserable you feel, you're strong because, well, just look at all you're doing.

But she couldn't get the words out before the pain returned.

She watched you close your eyes and squeeze them tightly, your teeth sinking into your lip.

"No, don't bite your lip, baby. You're doing it so hard you're going to make it bleed." She said with a small and sad smile before she made sure you stopped biting your lip and then pulled you into her embrace.

"Take my hands. Squeeze them, darling. Squeeze them tight. It's okay."

You did as she said and dropped your head to her shoulder, your cheek resting on it.

"Now breathe." She whispered encouragingly. "You're doing so good. Not much more." She said and kissed your head as she brushed her thumbs along your palms and your knuckles.

It felt like it wasn't going to ever end. But when it did, you exhaled shakily and loosened your grip on her hands.

"My tough cookie." She smiled as she brushed her fingers through your hair. "I can't imagine doing all you're doing right now. I'm amazed by you."

"I can't imagine doing this without you."

"Now, why would I ever let you do that?" She asked teasingly. "I know you're in so much pain. I know it's terrible. I know you still have more to get through and then you've still got to bring them into the world. But just know, through it all, I won't let you go. I'm right here with you. You can squeeze my hands until they break,"

You interrupted her with a small chuckle.

"You can do whatever you need to. You can lean on me and have a little peace of mind that through everything, I'm right here."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too." She whispered and kissed you quickly. "I'm so proud of you. Not too much longer to go now. They'll be here soon; very soon."

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