{Mina} - I love them so much already

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As soon as Mina walked through the door, you rushed to her and threw your arms around her for the biggest hug you've ever given her.

"Oh, hello, baby!" She giggled and put her things down so she could put her arms around you and hold you close. "I missed you today."

"I missed you too." You said as you pulled away, looking at her with a look of excitement in your eyes.

It hasn't faded, much like the smile on your face hasn't fallen.

Ever since you took those few pregnancy tests a little while ago and found that they all came back positive, you've felt this overwhelming rush of excitement.

It was hard to keep the news to yourself for the last hour or so.

But you did it, because you have a little plan.

"You look happy, even more so than usual. Something happen today?"

"Yeah." You said as you took her hand into yours. "Are you hungry, Mina?"

She shrugged her shoulders, feeling somewhat hungry but not completely.

"A little. Why?"

You took her hand to lead her up the stairs.

Thankfully, since you're actually quite a few weeks into your pregnancy already, you've been hit with some cravings.

For some reason, you can't seem to get enough of skittles.

And it gave you a little idea.

"Have some skittles with me."

She furrowed her eyebrows, chuckling quietly.

"Are you sure? You've been loving these lately. I don't want to take them from you, baby."


She calls you that so often.

But it never gave you the flutter in your heart like it did now. It was overwhelming in the best way as the sweet pet name made you think of the little human inside you.

She took one into her hand and put it into her mouth before reaching for another.

"Isn't it so amazing to think about?"

She stared at you in confusion, wondering what you were talking about.

"That's about the size of our baby right now."

She froze for a second before her eyes went wide.


You grabbed a skittle in your hand, staring at it in awe.

"I've been thinking about it since I took the pregnancy tests and they came back positive. This is about how big they are. How amazing is that?"

Her heart was pounding against her chest, beating with excitement.

She giggled tearfully before throwing her arms around you and pulling you as close as she could.

"You're serious? You're pregnant?"

"According to those few pregnancy tests, it seems so!"

She dropped her forehead onto yours, tears stinging her eyes as she closed them.

"It worked, Mina." You spoke through your tears of happiness as they returned.

You've been trying hard for so long now. You both tried to keep hope, tried to keep your heads up as the doctor continued to encourage you.

But it was clear that you've both been wondering if it'd ever happen. After so many negative results, it was hard to keep hoping that you'd get a positive one someday.

And to get so many of them felt so surreal.

"I can't believe it. We're having a baby." She smiled through her tears, letting you wipe them away as they fell down her cheeks. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." You said as you buried your face in her neck. "It's really happening."

"I love them so much already." She whispered, putting her hand on your stomach.

There was no noticeable sign of you being pregnant, but she couldn't resist the need to touch you there.

Your little baby was in there. The little human that you've been hoping to have some day. It felt surreal.

But it was beautiful.

And neither of you have ever felt happier.

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