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I owe all of you a apology for not writing for a long time, a lot has been going on in my life recently. I have just reread what i wrote and I don't really like all of it. I have been rewriting some things and want to start this story over. However don't worry it will still be off the same main idea of this story and i will be keeping some of the parts I like. I just have so many ideas for this and for me to write them i have to change how I wrote some things. I know not all of you will be happy about this and I am sorry, but i hope you will stick around. I would love any suggestions anyone has. I will also try to post more frequently, and longer ones if I can. 

I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I wish everyone the best New Year! I am so appreciative and thankful for everyone of you, and love you all. 

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