Chapter 2: Boom

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Maria was used to being alone mostly on her own during her missions, so having another person trailing behind her was still pretty foreign. She already had sent him on his way to get Silco and assumingly Deckard too.

She found Vander quite quickly as he went to Benzo's.

Two enforcers made their way to Benzo's too. She could tell it was Sheriff Grayson and another unknown enforcer. A few moments later, Vander was escorted outside and Deckard was there in the shadows awaiting with Silco a few paces behind him.

Benzo gasped, "Silco, you animal." Maria stayed in the shadows in case anything went array but she knew Silco didn't like her to be in the spotlight.

"Go crawl back into whatever hole you came out of!"

"Benzo stay back," Vander cried.

"You never did know when to walk away," Benzo approached Silco about to take a swing. Deckard lunged in the nick of time killing him in the process.

"Stubborn to the end," Silco's hummed as Deckard back away from the now deceased man.

"What the hell have you done, this wasn't the deal," the other enforcer exclaims.

"Deals changed," Silco flings a bag of coins to the enforcer and Maria rolled her eyes. She knew about the supposed deal but still, this was a bit dramatic. Silco nodded towards Vander to Deckard and she knew she was to start heading back. This would go smoothly with the Shimmered enhanced Deckard.


Maria found herself forced back against the closed door with Silco's warm lips on hers. This was usually how a successful trip in the Lanes worked and Silco getting what he wanted, and all he wanted now was Maria. She grasped his shoulders pulling him closer and her legs lifted to wrap around his hips, to grind teasingly at his erection causing him to moan into her mouth.

"I've finally got him," he mumbled between their frenzied kisses. She moaned as he bit into her shoulder, grinding against her sweet spot between her legs.

"If you talk anymore, I'm going to get myself off without you," she hissed, bringing his lips back to hers. He chuckled but they soon found themselves on their bed naked and in the throughs of passion.

She settled onto her side facing Silco who was laying on his back.

"What are you going to do to Vander," she asks quietly, resting her head onto his chest.

"Vander has 4 meddling children who are inevitably going to be coming to rescue him as if that will actually happen but I wish to see how this goes," Silco ran a hand through her hair and kissed her head.

She sighed, not liking that children were involved but it would not do anything to try and stop him when he has a personal vendetta against Vander.

"Congratulations but I'm afraid this will be a very short reunion," Silco placed himself near Maria who was standing to the right of one of Silco's larger henchman.

"Have you heard the rumor, Vander the coward fled down with his children and they never were seen again," Silco gazed upon the 3 children and Vander himself.

Maria was interested to see how this would play out, there were 3 children instead of 4. The pink haired girl stepped onto the walkway and squared up with one of the larger men of Silco's group. She knocked him out fairly easy with the contraptions on her hands. Maria was impressed, and from this view Silco was too if only the slightest bit.

A few others charge the pink haired girl and she was slightly interested in taking her on too but she was only here to protect Silco and she would be his last defense if need be. The pink haired girl was holding her own when Sevika stepped forward from behind Silco. Maria was leaning against the banister out of sight really, in the shadows but she could get Silco's attention if need be.

"Ready to rise to the surface," Silco asked, holding out a dose of Shimmer in his hand to Deckard. Deckard took it hastily and downed it. She glanced from Silco to Deckard who was morphing into the monster. Deckard headed towards the pink haired girl and when she lunged at him, he merely held out a hand and grasped her through.

Maria rose an eyebrow.

Well if that wasn't attractive in a dark weird way... Silco must have read her thoughts because he gave her an eyeroll and she merely smirked.

"Silco! Let her go, this is between you and me

"You had your chance," Silco's words were dark and malicious in every way. The pink haired girl was flung backwards and Deckard was crossing the bridge to get closer. The girl shoved the large door close just as Deckard arrived to the other side causing him to growl and punch the door.

Maria stepped closer, coming in between Silco and Sevika, who she gave a sultry grin to. Sevika was newer to the group and Maria found her easy to flirt with and rattle a little bit.

She laid a hand on his arm and kissed his cheek. Sevika was still wary of the woman that hung around Silco. It was obvious of their affection for one another but how far was that affection and how deep.

Maria watched as Deckard came to a stop and her gut immediately dropped that something was wrong. She immediately pushed Silco back as Sevika immediately lurched too as a blue light and a loud boom sounded within the building. 

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