chapter 9

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I woke up the next day with determination. I want to change the way this school is run, I know it's a military academy but this place is brutal. I get up and go to wash my face, for the first time I feel comfortable looking in the mirror so I put on some eyeliner, not as much a Christina likes but just enough to make my eyes stand out.

Within five minutes I'm ready and waiting for Chris and will, I've opted for a red tank top with a shreaded black overlay, coupled with graying skinniest and my combat boots. I hear them both before I can see them, Chris is laughing at something will said loudly, when the come around the corner she skips over to me and hands me a muffin. "We stopped off at the canteen before we came , these are so good!" She exclaimed happily between bites. "Come on slowpokes you'll be late for your lesson with Eric," will said jokingly. "Ugh don't remind me, if I could I'd swap classes with peter, Eric's horrible," I whined. We walked to the computer lab to drop will off, then to the art department until it was just me, left alone to walk to the room where Eric taught me leadership skills. Like I need him to teach me, he's such a crappy human being I can barely stand being In the same room as him.

As soon as i walk through the door i hear Erics voice saying "who was the founder of this academy?" I retort quickly saying " john daunt at the age of 22 in 1987." So it begins, another day of questioning tactics.

Becoming Brave (a Divergent fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα