Part 32 "we do try"

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Bucky:yeah in the future we could date

*Bucky's pov*

She asked me about dating and I said in the future why not the now? I guess she has just broke up with myles, so maybe she could be thinking about him still and isn't over him. Even if I need to wait for her I'll do that she needs her time to think and get to know me.

I play with her hair as she is laying on my chest cuddling me tightly, I really like this girl I may even love her although I'm not going to tell her that yet.

Y/n:Bucky, why did you tell me about the thing

Bucky:cause I really like you and I didn't want you to find out and think I was never going to tell you so I told you and you got upset with me

Y/n:I know Bucky I got upset with you because I really like you and you told me you were the one who destroyed everything for me, it's not something you want to hear Bucky

Bucky:I know I'm really sorry but we're ok now right


Bucky pulls you up him and kisses you, you kiss him back then pull away and cuddle into his neck.

Nat:aww that's really cute but maybe shut the door

Y/n:fucking hell nat, thank god it's only you

Nat shuts the door then comes and sits beside you and Bucky, you roll off of Bucky and sit up, Bucky stays laying down looking at you, softly smiling.

Nat:Bucky what's your favourite thing about y/n?

Bucky:how light she is and easy to throw around

Y/n:of course, that's why you throw me

Nat:what about you y/n?

Y/n:I like how terrible he is at relationships it's adorable, I love it

Bucky looks at you and smiles some more

Nat:no wonder he's bad at it the closest he has had to a girlfriend is Sharon and she's like his fan girl so

You begin to laugh then Thor and Peter walk in. You all look over a bit worried they might tell everyone.

Thor:what's going on in here

Y/n:oh we are all just talking

Peter:where Bucky's top and why is he in your room on your bed!

Peter gets angry because Bucky has already really upset you and he doesn't want it to happen again.

Y/n:Peter it's ok we are all talking, come join us

Thor: you don't need to ask me twice

They run over and sit ok your bed with you, Thor sits next to Bucky and Peter sits on your lap making you all laugh.

Peter:ok we are all comfy now what's the drama

Nat:honestly you two are like they sibling you just always want to be around, you guys are hilarious together

Thor:that's what I said to him out there everyone loves them together

Peter & y/n:we do try

You and Peter high-five each other, you lay down and Peter lays his head across your chest and arms round your waste. You put your arm around him and Bucky looks over at you two a little jealous.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ