Part 2

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Y/n:wow this is amazing

You jump onto your big bed and see a amazing view of buildings and the sea far in the distance, you lay down and take your phone out to text your friend.

*the texts*
Y/n:omg, this place is amazing

Friend:that's so cool what's it like

Y/n:I have a amazing view of the city from my window and everyone is so nice although I better start getting ready for bed cause it's getting late and I start tomorrow

Friend:ok well have fun, talk again soon

You put your phone down, then turn to see someone standing at the door. He sees you looking at him and he makes a face.

Bucky:ehh dinners ready

Y/n: ok...I'll be down in a minute


He walks away and you are confused why he is angry at you when he doesn't even know who you are, you brush it off and walk out your room on the way you aren't looking where you are going and bump into someone

Y/n:wow, sorry

Bucky: watch where you are going

Y/n:it was an accident

Bucky: I don't care as long as it doesn't happen again

You storm downstairs to the dinner table and everyone is there except Bucky cause he is upstairs.

Y/n:dad you better get Bucky under control or I'll kill him

Tony: and this is why you aren't a avenger

Nat:wait what happened

Y/n:I accidentally bumped Bucky and he went off his head!

Tony:y/n keep your voice down don't get angry

Y/n:but he is a dickhead

Bucky:who's a dickhead

Y/n:you are!

Bucky looks at you and you can tell he's very angry, he steps closer to you so he is stood over you and you look up at him.

Bucky:watch who you are speaking to

Y/n:and what will you do

Bucky:you don't want to find out

You go sit down and Bucky dose the same. You sit next to Nat and Wanda and Bucky sits next to Steve and Sam.

Wanda:well emm enjoy I guess

Nat:so y/n tell us some more about you

Y/n:well I was always home schooled I have loads of amazing friends back home and well that's it I think

Bucky:blah blah blah

You kick Bucky from under the table and he stares at you very intensively. You feel yourself getting angrier and angrier but try brush it off since you don't want to make a scene on you first night.

Don't you hate me {y/n x Bucky enemies to lovers} Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora