Holidays [part 1]

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Hey..!! Sorry for disappearing for a while HAHAHA. Kinda forgot this book existed... sorry? Well, I've been procrastinating for long enough so here is a Christmas and New Year one shot! Might make it to 2 parts... Welp, time to get into the story!


"KARMA!" you shouted at your husband from the kitchen. Christmas Eve was in 6 hours and you needed help badly. Especially when both you and Karma's family were going to eat Christmas dinner at your guys house!

Ok y/n, breath in breath out. You got this
You thought to yourself. It took a while for Karma to FINALLY come down but when he did you immediately gave him things to do. You absolutely weren't about to prepare dinner by yourself.

"Aye aye, maam" Karma said, going to the pantry to get the lata de coco you bought a few days back.

The menu was simple. Graham, coconut salad (buko salad), spaghetti, carbonara, fruit salad, graham balls and ice cream.
(A/n: if you dont know what buko salad is you can search it on google)

Time Skip brough to you by my huge simp-ness for Encanto's Camilo Madrigal

The dinner went well. Both your families enjoyed what you and Karma prepared (mostly you but eh). Now, you guys were in the living room playing games. The time was 10 pm and you felt as if you could live in this moment forever.

Now, New Year was a week away and again, you'd have to think of another menu. But alas, you were pulled out of your thoughts as you felt someone was staring at you. You looked at Karma and caught him. He was the one staring at you. You chuckle at yourself as you went and sat beside Karma.

"You enjoying the party?" You asked as you laid your head on his shoulder. "Yes, my love. The food was great~" he answered. You looked up at him and saw him staring at you already. You saw something familiar in his eyes.

Oh, the fun was just getting started~


Sorry if its shitty 😔. I havent wrote in a long time HAHAHAHA. Good thing the 100+ books in my library saved my ass. Welp, I might or not might dissappear again after part 2 of this story HAHAHAHA. I really dont have motivation 😪. Anyways, please please PLEASE leave suggestions. Im only getting inspired by other stories and just- *sigh*. See you in part 2! Bye~!

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