They know about us

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Savannah's P.o.v.
Me & Cody woke up early. It was an awkward morning until he broke the silence. "So, now what?" I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" "Well you love me, I love you are we official?" I shrugged "I guess so" "well then," he wrapped his arms around me "Are we telling?" "No!" I instantly pulled away from his embrace. He looked at me confused "why?" "I don't want the guys of the Shield to know. Not to mention my dad!" "What's wrong with your dad knowing? & with the Shield boys, we'll figure it out" I forgot to mention that no one knows my dad is Sting except The Shield, Steph, & Hunter. "It's obvious you have no idea who my dad is." "I bet he's a good man-" "he's Sting" "what?" "My dad is Sting." "Sting as in Sting?" "Yeah, unless you heard of any other man called Sting." He stayed silent for a while. "That's shocking..." "Why" I said while crossing my arms "well-" a loud knock on the door interupted Cody. "I'll get it" I said as walked towards the door. Once I Opend it I saw non other than The Shield. They didn't seem too happy.

The Shield's sister (REWRITTING!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant