The War To End All Wars

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The year is 2032, technology has advanced at a rate no one expected, especially the military. Entertainment such as virtual reality created the Xnoverse where it's like ready player one but it's taken to a new level where your conscience is transported into the virtual realm. Military technology on the other hand was becoming more powerful and terrifying. Antimatter bombs were created by the U.S. and many other countries such as Japan, Russia, China, and Europe. These bombs were capable of destroying entire cities with a 50-mile blast radius and after detonation, it releases a very lethal dose of radiation. It only took one crazy person to have got their hands on this bomb and that's what exactly happened. Some terrorist and cult group named "The Beginning" stole one of these bombs from Russia and tried to blame it on the U.S. by fabricating the markings and flag and setting the bomb off in Paris.

This led both France and the U.S. to leave the United Nations and start a war with each other. It was like the Cold War but with France and the U.S. Eventually France launched their first nuke towards the U.S. and many other countries launched their nukes whether they had a normal nuke or antimatter bomb. In an instant entire city was destroyed leaving giant craters and Europe looked like it formed a new continent because of the number of nukes that were launched at it.

Back in the U.S., certain people were selected based on their skill sets or genetics to live in a bunker and help rebuild the nation and eventually the world once radiation levels die down but that sadly didn't happen. People who weren't selected started to become desperate and they invaded military compounds and bunkers leaving them exposed to the blast and radiation. Soon all the bunkers were left abandoned with dead bodies or skeletons laying everywhere.

A young teenager at the age of 13 named Zayde Sanchez was able to avoid that fate as his family was rich and bought their bunker but his parents died from a rare disease while they were living in the bunker. From that point on Zayde was on his own to survive on his own.

4 years later

It's been four years since the war has happened and the Earth surprisingly took one year to recover despite how many nukes were launched and how bad nuclear winter was but somehow nature was able to find a way to bring life back again. Zayde's bunker was located in the desolate mountains of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Lake Tahoe. It was the perfect place to be hidden from the craziness of the world. During the war, the nukes caused earthquakes at magnitudes that haven't been experienced by man and it caused the Earth to tilt which led to the equator to shift making the equator line at Canada.

The area became hotter but some snow remained on the mountains. Zayde's routine would consist of sleeping, watching prerecorded movies, listening to music, tending a garden, hunting for food, or gathering water. Life wasn't too difficult but it was very lonely and boring. Sometimes he would make video logs of his survival and record how nature and life are recovering from nuclear winter and radiation. The radiation levels died down significantly making it safe to go outside without a hazmat suit but in major cities like Tokyo, Berlin, Paris, New York, etc, are dangerous to go to because the blast craters or ground-zero is still a hotspot for radiation levels.

When hunting Zayde would see some figures walking around, he doesn't know if they are friendly or foe because their uniforms don't look like the U.S. but the strangest part is their flag patch, it doesn't look like any nation he knew and their height looked taller than an average human so Zayde has been avoiding these figures that he calls "phantoms".

One day whilst hunting, Zayde was successful and caught some deer but these deer mutated into larger deer which was way harder to kill but it was very rewarding if it was caught as the meat could last you half a month worth of food. While coming back to the bunker it was dark but Zayde saw what he feared most, he saw the phantoms at his bunker, looking inside. It seems these figures were part of a military operation as Zayde can see tanks, vehicles, tents, and helicopters. There was a huge fence post put around the bunk but why would they put that there, there's no one else left but him.

Zayde knew he couldn't return to his home as he wasn't sure if these strange figures would kill him on sight but what disturbed him the most was these figures were like the animals he hunted but they had the shape of a human body. They are even walking on their feet instead of all fours. Zayde couldn't believe it, he had to get out of there without getting caught so he slowly moved away until a stepped on a twig and it snapped. The sound alerted the creatures and someone on a guard post aimed their weapon at him which had a laser pointer on it and it revealed his location.


Zayde made a run for it was caused the creatures to chase after him. It was only a matter of time until he was caught.

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