Humans aren't dead

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Scarlet was rushing through the woods to get Zayde to the medical tent because he was losing a lot of blood from the bullet she shot at him and he was coughing up blood, probably from the punch one of the soldiers gave him.

"Come on don't die on me! We can lose our first human!"

Scarlet made it back to the camp and immediately took Zayde to the medical tent. Everyone in the camp was wondering what was going on and who the mysterious figure was until Scarlet was yelling at everyone to get out of the way.

"Move it, injured human!"

"Scarlet who are you carrying?" Ash asked.

"It's a human, I accidentally shot him and he's losing a lot of blood. He needs medical attention or he will die."

"Wait, that a human, lemme see."

Scarlet still kept Zayde close to her but she allowed Ash to see you.

"No fucking way, that's a real human!"

"I know he's 100% real but he's dying now get out of my way."

Scarlet bursts into the medical tent and she gently laid down Zayde on a treatment table.

"Dr. Hartman, sorry for my intrusion but I found a human that's gravely injured and I need you to help him," Scarlet said worriedly.

 Hartman, sorry for my intrusion but I found a human that's gravely injured and I need you to help him," Scarlet said worriedly

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(Dr. Hartman)

"Oh my, you actually found a human, don't worry Scarlet I'll take care of him. How did he get hurt?"

"I...I accidentally shot him in the leg." Scarlet said shamefully.

"Hmm, we'll let me get some morphine and anesthesia because I think he'll need surgery since he's losing a lot of blood."

"Whatever it takes to fix him up, doctor. I don't want to be responsible for killing a human let alone possibly being the one to make the human race extinct."

"Don't worry Scarlet he's in good hands, just some minor surgery should fix him up though he will need to be in a cast."

"Okay, I'll leave you be then."

Scarlet leaves the tent and walks to her tent to think about what she has done while Hartman drugged Zayde and set him up for surgery.

"Oh you poor human, if only Scarlet knew you were a human before she shot you none of this would have happened. This moment is truly exciting for me but I hope it's not my last, I hope you don't perish. Now let's get you back to full health."

Dr. Hartman took x-rays of his chest and saw he has one broken rib from the punch one of the soldiers gave him. She also checked and stopped the bleeding on his leg and started performing surgery on him.

5 hours later

"Scarlet doesn't be soo hard on yourself, you should be happy that you shot his leg and not his upper body or head," Roxy said trying to comfort Scarlet.

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