Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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'Breathe, just breathe.'

Izuku Midoriya let his head thud dully against the headrest of his seat. Sunlight flashed between the vast number of trees on the UA campus, briefly illuminating his viridian eyes. He sighed softly and turned his head to look out the window at the passing scenery, a brief glow of emerald green light illuminating the back of the bus.

The chatter abruptly cut off, a few people looking around for the source of the light, before the whispers picked back up almost immediately. One boy in particular was looking very perturbed, almost insistent on finding the culprit. A few minutes later, the bus emerged from a tunnel, stopping outside testing site B. Midoriya quickly exited the bus, 'Breathe, dammit, it's just an entrance exam.'

Whispers quickly turned to excited chatter, as the other UA-hopefuls began filing out of the bus, surprise and wonder filling their eyes as they beheld the massive fake city sprawled before them. As the bus slowly emptied, Midoriya took the opportunity to slowly stretch out the few remaining tight muscles in his body, letting out a long, drawn out breath as the tension was released.

Another examinee approached Midoriya, "I see you're taking this seriously as well, I commend-"

The viridian eyed boy turned around quickly, not wanting to interact with other people, focusing on the massive metal doors before him. The other boy, with glasses and dark blue hair, sputtered to a stop and gave a quick arm chop, before shouting, "What is the meaning of this?! An examinee of U-"

He was interrupted once again as Present Mic shouted, "READY, LITTLE LISTENERS?! GO!" signaling the start of the exam.

There was a brief moment of silence, as every single examinee hesitated, except one. The bright, emerald green glow pulsed as the boy shot into the air and into the city scape, shredding robots left and right. "LOOKS LIKE THIS LITTLE LISTENER HAS THE RIGHT IDEA! THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN REAL LIFE! GO GO GO!" Present Mic boomed.


A dark screen glowed as multiple different cameras and drones tracked each examinee. Silhouetted figures were scattered throughout the small theater, eyes constantly scanning across the multitude of different monitors set up. "Looks like we might have two full classes this year huh, Aizawa?" A masked man with a cowboy hat remarked as an explosion ripped through a 2-pointer.

"That remains yet to be seen, Snipe." A scruffy looking man grumbled, zeroing in on a familiar figure, "Kids these days don't think, and that's what leads to their downfall."

"Still, some have managed to do quite well, Aizawa!" A small, furry-looking animal chirped from his seat in the middle of the room. A small chuckle escaped the mammal in question, quietly pressing a button on the control board in front of him, "Now, shall we ramp things up a bit?"


Midoriya wove between buildings of the training ground, eyes never falling still for more than a moment, searching for more robots to destroy. A girl with pink, well, everything and horns seemed to be skating between the robots, gracefully defeating each one with a splash of something. His eyes gleamed as a smile adorned his face, 'Man, that's such a cool quirk! I wonder what it is? What are its constraints, and more importantly, what-'

A beam of light zipped by his head, disrupting his thoughts and momentarily broke his concentration. Midoriya began falling, windows blurring as he struggled to regain focus. The ground seemed to rise to meet him, but not before a girl with what appeared to be permanent blush marks, brown hair styled into a bob-cut, and brown eyes to match, slapped him dead across the face. To his surprise, he didn't resume falling, just floating mid-air.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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