Prision headcannons.. techno can braid

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Let's star t with Sam, he was not the best warden (plus the death or ranboo which I'm not getting in to yet) and probably did what had to be done to keep dream alive in prison nothing more nothing less and probably favored techno when he was in prison for three months, slightly more food, not being tortured by a certain casino owner I just made angst about, you know, the usual.

(For this techno has long hair)

Besides dream writing, I believe techno taught dream to braid. Techno already knew how to braid because I as a person with long hair do not believe you can have your hair down all the time especially going to war with your hair down.. hair would get knotted/matted and cleaning blood out of hair would be a nightmare..(etc, etc)
Dream who's hair was longer than usual having not someone to give him haircuts regularly. By the time technoblade got to prison I'm assuming dreams hair was about to his shoulders and decently matted, so when techno came along with his long hair and braided it in prison it took Dream a few days of watching techno doing his own hair for dream to ask.

"Hey, uh technoblade
"How do you do that weave thing with your hair?"
"A ..braid?"

Techno eventually let Dream practice braiding on his own hair starting with small braids adding more hair, techno eventually directing Dream  to do a French braid, which it took a few times until he got it.

Technoblade didn't mind having someone braid his hair in fact it reminded him of when mumza would braid his hair as a kid. It brought him back to his childhood he could almost smell the warm air and see Wilbur ahead of him laughing like when he was young. They were comfortable enough that either one of them would sit down behind the other and just start braiding the others hair. Techno kept saying he would be leaving the prison soon but not actually sure when, and when he did, he would come back for dream.

When technoblade came back in the cell to get Dream out the first thing both had noticed was that a few of the braids were still there, that in the span that techno had left the braids were there. Dream kept his to remember someone was coming back for him and he wasn't going to be forgotten about, like he felt many people had. Techno kept them because.. he didn't actually know he felt he had too, though most of the voices said that he should cut the few braids he still had in his hair that dream did but he listened to the few voices that voted to keep them.

Once Dream got out of prison he cut his hair back short but kept the few braids techno had done.

Ayo 486 wordddssss that's pretty good!
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