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Vierra's POV

I walked out of the room. It felt strange feeling every emotion she felt. I've felt hundreds of emotions through memories but not even once I felt something like this. 

Then why? Why am I feeling this way? How am I going to explain it to her, why I killed all people of that village? 

I sighed. But one thing is sure those people were not her family. They can't be because she's a huntress. An entirely different race. 

I'm going to have a tough time explaining when she doesn't even know what she is.

I was standing in front of the training grounds lost in my thoughts when Valerie said "My Queen" I looked at her.

"You seem worried" she said. "I just got to know what's the reason of her hatred for me" I said.

"What is it?". "I killed her whole village along with her parents" I said.

"But how is that possible?" She asked. "That's the point. The village I killed was of humans"

"So, she really doesn't know"

"It seems so. And since she doesn't know who she is so it will be extremely difficult to explain" I sighed.

"Explain? You're not going to kill her?" She asked.

"No, she's of more use to me alive than dead" 

"But she can kill you" Valerie exclaimed worried.

"She's oblivious of her reality, that only gives me the upper hand. And besides she's trying to kill me by stabbing me in the heart" 

"By stabbing?" Valerie laughed. 

I smiled "Right now, she is like a wild wolf which can be tamed with right amount of patience. And I will tame it" 


I cried for hours remembering the pain. Someone came into the room and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and it was Valerie standing.

I sighed. "I don't know, what to say to you" she said.

"You don't need to. I am here to kill the Vampire Queen not to hear condolences" I said getting up.

I walked towards the door "Where are you going?" She asked. "To Kill her" I said. 

And in an instant she was Infront of me "I can't let you" she said.

"Get out of my way or else. You'll be killed in futile" I said.

But she kept Standing. I graoned and I moved my hand to punch but she held my hand, I grabbed her sword with the other hand, and kicked her in the chest.

She fell several meters away. That's… strange but I didn't have time to give it much thoughts. "Don't get in my way, or else this time I'll really kill you"

I said and walked out of the room. I turned and the hallway was filled with vampires. 

"Get out of my way" I said angrily. But they kept Standing. I was about to move forward to kill them when someone said. "Get out of her way" 

I turned around and the Vampire Queen was coming towards me. "Let's talk" she said.

"There's no need to. I'll kill you right here and now" I said repeating her words.

By this time Valerie was also standing by her side. "I said you can kill me only when it is fair" she said.

"And how is it not?" I asked. "I'll explain, so let's talk" she said. 

I was hesitant but "okay let's talk" I said. "Not here, let's go somewhere more private" she said and started walking, I decided to follow her.

We reached a room and she went in. I looked around confusedly because this looks like "This is my room" she said.

"Why are we here?" 

"Because it's the place where I can assure you we'll not be disturbed" she said.

She went near a stand and poured some wine in two glasses. "Here" she said offering me one.

"I'm not interested in this. Just explain to me what I came here for" I scowled.

Sure" she said setting the glasses on a table. "I killed those people during the war. They were a major provider of weapons to human army. Hiding in mountains. So, I had to kill them in order to weaken the human army. I only did what have been done for centuries in war in human history" 

"That's impossible" I shouted. "Believe it or not that's the truth" she said. " Even if I believe you then why did you kill children? I'm sure as hell they were not involved with war in any way" 

"That was a mistake. And for that you can kill me but I need sometime before you do that" she said.

"Why? Why should I give you time?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Because as you know there is rising rebellion in south. I need time to deal with them" she said.

"I'm sure whoever will take your place can handle that" I said. 

"My sister Arina will take my place and she's with the rebels in their motives." she said.

At this I lowered my sword. "Okay, I'll give you time if you promise me you'll not accept the rebels request and attack on humans" 

She nodded " But I need your help" she said and my brows furrowed. "Help?" 

"Yes, I want you to work with me in convincing those humans to work with me and stop attacking cities or else I won't be able to defend them" she said.

"And why do you think I'll agree to help you?" I asked. "Because that's what you're fighting for aren't you? You want to kill me because I took innocent lives. So, I'm pretty sure you'll help me save those innocent lives" she said.

I thought for a few moments and said "Okay, I'll help you but as soon this problem is solved I'll kill you" I said.

"Sure" she said picking up glasses of wine and offering me one again.

I looked at the glass and said "I've agreed to help you not to become a friend" 

Her eyes turned red in anger just for a second at this but she surpressed it and nodded. 

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