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I woke up and went to bathroom to freshen up. I got out after taking a shower. And the Vampire Queen was there waiting for me.

I took the towel from the bed drying my hair. She kept looking at me and it felt strange. 

I went near the table and picked up the knife and started to play with it. "What do you want?" I asked.

"Where did you grow up?" She asked. "And why would I tell you?" I asked. 
"Because I asked" she said. And I scoffed.

"I think I was not clear in showing my hatred" I said. "So let me say it for you" 

I said walking closer to her. I was mere inches away from her face "I hate you, and I will kill you…" I attacked her with the knife.

But like always she again held it just a few milimeters away from her heart. 

She twisted my arm and threw me away. "Why are you trying to kill me?" She asked.

But I didn't answer. In an instant she came in front of me and grabbed my face harshly. Her grip was so strong that I couldn't even move my jaw. 

"Answer me" she said angrily, her eyes went blood red and her fangs extended.

"I'll tell you and then what?" I asked. "What will you do after knowing?" I yelled.

"You're trying to punish me for something I don't even know of. Tell me your reason and if it's fair then you can kill me right here and now" she said letting me go and giving me the knife I took it, looking at her suspiciously.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked. "You don't have to" she said.

I sighed "You want to see my memory?" I asked. "Yes" I thought about it for a moment and nodded.

She came close to me, cupped my face and looked into my eyes. After a moment she let go of my face and said "You're not giving me access". 

"What do you mean? Since when does vampires require access for getting into someone's mind?" I asked confused.

She sighed "there are some individuals born with the ability to resist control. A vampire can only access their mind with their consent" she said.

"So does that mean if I let you in once, you'll be able to manipulate me?" I asked. 

"No, it doesn't work like that. I can only access what you allow me to see. In that particular moment. And after that, that door too closes" she explained.

"Okay, so how will I give you access to my memory?". "Take a deep breath and think of that memory looking in my eyes" she said.

I nodded and she again cupped my face and looked into my eyes. 
"Now think of showing that memory to me" she said.
I felt my guard getting down and her accessing my memory. 


I was playing with my sister when all of a sudden a sound of cry came. My sister turned to me and said "Don't get out of here until I come to find you"

I nodded. She put on a basket on me and went away. I kept hiding there. When all of a sudden, I heared a scream, it was my sister someone was dragging her by her hair, she threw her to the ground.

I looked at the face of the woman. "Vampire Queen is here, run" I heared someone shouting. 

But in an instant his heart was ripped out of his body. I quiver in fear. My sister got up to run. But that woman threw a dagger towards her that went in her back. Piercing her heart.

Ah…I heard yet another scream. I had a hand on my mouth trying to make no noise as tears fell from eyes.

A body fell near my hiding place and a shriek escaped from my mouth and I immediately covered it.

"Did you hear it?" Someone shouted. "My Queen there might be a survivor" a guy said getting on his knees.

"I myself killed everyone, there's no survivor" that woman said looking in my eyes.

I saw that woman kill all of my family and all of the people of the village singlehandedly with my own eyes. 

After everyone was gone I got out from my hiding place. Tears were falling uncontrollably from my eyes. I saw my mother and hugged her crying. 

"Mother…mother..mother" I cried for hours but no one woke up. "Mother, I promise you I'll avenge you I will kill that Vampire Queen myself" 

End of Flashback

She let go of me, tears were falling from my eyes continously as I had just relived the moment again. 

She had a strange look on her face and without saying anything else she went out of the room. This time she didn't bother to lock the door.

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