Arrivals and Departures

Start from the beginning

"It did get in my mouth... And my ear... And my nose." Yeah... I remember the expression he had on his face then too... Not that there is a right way to react to having a sword coming at your face one moment then a nice splash of blood across your face the next, "That said... It was better than what I originally saw coming towards my face and had been expecting until... Well."

"Yeah... It was a good swing too. Skillful guy."

"But not skillful enough." I snicker a little at Kiyoshi's comment. Because no. No, he was not skillful enough to face me... I doubt there are many who would be. Even as a team.

"That matching is unfair to ask of anyone..." I shoot back.

"Yeah, a win against you will likely take a team that works like a well-oiled machine and has a perfect strategy to boot." Emmett comments.


"So what could have such a person so sullen?" Kiyoshi abruptly sneaks into the conversation and Emmett turns to face me grinning expectantly.

God dammit.

"Really, I'm fine. I just have a lot going through my mind. It's not every day in a millennia that I find out that by acting in favour of Assassins I likely perpetuated my own lineage. Thereby ensuring my own existence." I give a little huff hoping that they buy that excuse... Because even though that is a thought that occurred to me, in truth it doesn't bother me much. I've saved a lot of people and likely perpetuated many lineages throughout my years.

"True... But I mean... You stayed away from tragedies you knew about, right?"

"Even if I hadn't, it's not like anyone would even know. But you are right. I did often keep tragedies I knew about at arms length. It was hard a lot... But I know that those tragedies were often a key point for a good change... It was never easy."

The dock is absolutely packed... I'm glad I'm up here looking down at it...

And I knew there had been class differences but... Seeing how different the people entering at the lower decks are being treated really hits differently.

I wonder which of these people will survive...

"Astraea! I didn't expect to see you here." I turn to see Kassandra in a higher-class outfit, "But I suppose it makes sense, this is a huge step for humanity. Just look at the size of this ship!" She sets some luggage down as she stops beside me to admire the Titanic. "Just imagine what Barnabas would say!"

"He would likely say something along the lines of 'man being too arrogant to think they could call a ship unsinkable.'" Which I say in my best 'Barnabas' voice. "Then he would follow up with something about Poseidon's wrath." Kassandra laughs.

"Yes, yes he would say something exactly like that."

"Kassandra... You aren't going on the ship, are you?" I have done my best not to share any of the horrors I hold in my mind and wait for as time passes, but I cannot in good conscience let my friend board that ship.

"Why of course I am! This is an amazing achievement, and I don't want to miss it." She picks up her luggage and I can't help but reach out and grab her arm to stop her.

"Don't." I bite my lip. Usually, I can keep my composure in these situations. I reason using the good things I know come of a tragedy... Like how the sinking of the Titanic ushered in better ship safety rules, especially concerning lifeboats on a ship and other reforms that will come of this. But with Kassandra so ready to hop aboard... What can I even say?

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