Chapter 13

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"Thanks for the ride Torres," you tell him as you get out of the car and look towards the charming house that you had just arrived at. After landing at the airport in New Orleans, Torres had insisted on driving you to Sam's family saying that he had promised Bucky to delivery you safely and he was not about to face that man's wrath. "Anytime Stark," he laughs but grabs your hand before you turn away. "Be careful. Karli is still out there somewhere and so is this point I don't know who is the greater threat. Just...let me know if you guys need anything alright?" You smile down at your friend gratefully. "Really, thanks Torres," you say before heading towards the house. You make it up to the porch before the front door flies open and you are faced by a beautiful woman who bares a vague resemblance to Sam. "Hi, you must be (Y/N)," she greets you warmly and pulls you into an unexpected but not unwelcome hug. "It's nice to meet you Sarah," you laugh lightly when she releases you, "I just wish it were under happier circumstances." At that, her smile turns slightly strained. "About that, the boys don't-" but whatever she was going to say is cut off by the pattering of two pairs of feet as the boys in question appear. "Cass look it's a real Avenger!" one of the boy says with enough awe that you can't help but chuckle. "You know, your uncle is a real Avenger too," you laugh as both of the boys look taken aback. "Yeah's not the same," Cass says with a shrug as Sarah steps in for introductions. "(Y/N), these are my sons, Cass and AJ. Boys, this is Sam's friend who will be staying with us for a few days."
"Why?" AJ asks and you can see from the hesitation on Sarah's face that she isn't sure what to say. "I'm waiting on your uncle and our friend to arrive. They had to finish up some boring work stuff  but sent me ahead to meet everyone. Sam talks so much about you guys and how cool and fun you are and I was just too excited to wait for them." This answer seems to appease the boys and Sarah shoots you a grateful look as you find yourself pulled into the house and peppered with countless questions about the Avengers.

You give a slight sigh of relief a few hours later when Sarah orders the boys to bed and you have a moment to relax. You are startled when Sarah reappears and hands you a beer as she takes a swig of her own. "Sorry about the boys, they can be...overzealous at times." You giggle as you take a drink of your own, "no they were fine. It's been awhile since I've had someone so interested in the Avengers in a non-malicious or invasive way...since before...," you clear your throat and take another sip. "It's nice to talk about them remember them all." Sarah nods her understanding. "Thanks for not telling them the real reason you're here," she says changing topics, "I don't want them to worry about those kinds of things if I can help it. They're still young enough not to realize the dangers that are present in the world."
"Of course," you reply simply. "You're really good with kids. Do you want any of your own?" You pause for a moment at this question. Did you want children? When you were with Steve the answer had been yes. Steve had always been open about his desire for a family and you had been happy to go along with the notion. But with Bucky....the two of you hadn't talked about that possibility yet. Everything was still so new. You had no idea if he wanted or even liked kids, you had never seen him interact with them before. But even with those doubts swirling around you couldn't stop yourself from picturing a toddler with your hair and his eyes and Bucky gently holding an infant against his broad chest in a tender manner. "Sorry, it's none of my business," Sarah apologizes, misinterpreting your silence. "No, no," you say a little dazed as the image fades from your minds eye. " just hadn't thought about it before but...yeah...I mean maybe if Buck-" you trail off, lost in thought and she smiles softly at you before leaving you to your thoughts.

The next few days go by without incident and you find yourself truly enjoying your time spent with Sam's family. It's on the afternoon of the third day while the boys are still at school that Sarah releases a horrified gasp and calls out to you from across the house. You are immediately on alert and draw your hidden gun as you race to her, searching for anything that could have caused her distress. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of you before she shakes her head and points wordlessly towards the tv where the news is rolling images of John Walker brutally beating a Flag Smasher to death with Steve's shield. Your mind blanks in terror at the image. You knew that John was unstable but barely have time to follow that thread of thought as your voice phone buzzes and Bucky's name flashes across the screen. "Buck-" you choke out in relief as you release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding. "I'm guessing you've seen the news," he says in a weary tone. "Yeah...are you and Sam okay?" you ask as Sarah looks at you anxiously. "Yeah, we're fine," he replies as you mouth an okay at Sarah who looks relieved. "Karli got away but I don't think you have anything to worry about. She accidentally killed Lamar and saw his reaction." You gasp lightly at the news and feel a pang of remorse at the loss. Lamar had been a decent man, no matter where his loyalties lay. "We managed to apprehend him and take the shield but...the damage has been done. They're taking him back to Washington for a trial and Sam has a stop he has to make."
"What about you?" you ask, already longing for him to return to your side. "I need to stop off in arm needs repair after the fight with John...and I need to return someone to them." You sigh but murmur your understanding. "I love you and I'll be there soon," Bucky reassures you softly. "I love you too and I'll be waiting."

You feel immensely relieved once Sam and Bucky join you and are surprised at how close the two men have become since you had left them. "Where are the men?" Sarah asks as she wanders into the kitchen one morning and pours herself some coffee from the pot you just brewed. "They headed to the docks," you say as you drink from your own cup. "Of course they did," she mutters and rolls her eyes playfully. "Shall we go join them?" It doesn't take long for the two of you to head down to the docks as well and the sight of Bucky diligently working on fixing the railing of the boat sends your heart galloping. You had never seen him look as relaxed and at ease with himself as he had over the past few days and it warmed something deep within you. "You know, you two would make some beautiful babies," Sarah says teasingly as you gawk adoringly at your man and his head snaps towards you with a slightly dazed expression that makes you wonder just how sharp his hearing really is. "Maybe," you murmur back to her and watch Bucky's lips curve into a tentative smile. Sarah pats you on the shoulder as Bucky slowly makes his way over to you. "Wanna go for a walk?" You take his proffered hand, interlacing your fingers as the two of you walk up the dock and down the shoreline leisurely. "You seem content," you note casually as you admire his profile. "I am content," he replies, "Sam and I made peace with some things that had gone unsaid between us for too long and I'm slowly working through some things of my own. Plus I have you...things are just...this is the first time since before I shipped off for the war that I feel like my life is mine and that it's good."

You smile and take his face in your hands, pressing a kiss to his lips. "I love you," you murmur against his mouth, your heart so happy it could burst. "I love you too," he chuckles before you continue walking. "So...what we're you and Sarah talking about earlier?" You can feel the heat of a blush creeping across your skin at his question as his eyes pierce you with curiosity. "I um...she asked me a few days ago if I had ever thought about having kids since I was good with hers...she um...she thinks we would have pretty ones." You swallow nervously as you wait for his response. "And...what do you think?" You are surprised by how gravelly his voice is and you almost melt on the spot when you meet his heated gaze. " depends....on how you feel about it?" He cocks his head slightly as if in thought. "I had never really considered it before," he says seriously, "my life has never been really...child friendly. I've never been in a place where that was even a possibility before now..."
"But now?" you ask almost breathlessly anticipating his answer. "Now? The idea of you carrying my child...of us starting a family....I can't think of anything I would want more in this life." Your heart flutters at this as he leans down to capture your lips once more. "Maybe when all of this is really over..." you murmur and feel a laugh reverberate within him. "When all of this is over, I think it is something we can talk about then...but for now...I'm okay with having you all to myself. Especially since I can think of a few things I would like to do," your toes curl in anticipation at his words and you silently can't wait until the two of you are truly alone.

"We we're just wondering where you two lovebirds had wandered off to," Sam teases when you two finally return to the community cookout. "We had some things to talk about," you say as you give Sarah a wink and she bursts into giggles. "I think I'm missing something," Sam grumbles and you agree that he is. "We've really appreciated your hospitality and getting to spend time with everyone but we're planning on heading back home tomorrow," Bucky says and gives Sam a significant look that tells you that you are now the one missing something. "Oh...yeah," Sam says a little too cheerfully. "I'll definitely let you guys know if I find a new lead."

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