Chapter 4

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The battle is long and hard but the realization that you have won washes over you as you watch Thanos' invading forces disintegrate before your eyes. Steve is the only thought you have as you make you way across the charred earth and back towards where you had last seen him. You haven't gone far when you spot a familiar figure and freeze. Standing only mere feet away from you is James Buchanan Barnes, looking every bit as sturdy and battle worn as he had five years ago on a completely different yet similar battlefield. "It worked," you whisper in awe as he strides forward and embraces you tightly. "It worked. It worked. It worked." Those words rang in your head and fell from your lips like a chant, the only speech you found yourself capable of as you reach out and lay your hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat to reassure yourself he was actually there. Bucky opens his mouth to say something just as your eyes flicker behind him and you can feel your entire world stop. "Tony." You dodge around the long lost soldier and towards where your brother lay injured but even as you drew nearer, you knew it was too late. Pepper kneeled before him, shoulders shaking with sobs as she reached forward and closed his unseeing eyes and you too fell to the ground, your legs no longer able to support you as your mind realized that you had won at the cost of your beloved brother.

Tony. Tony. Tony. His name echos with each painfully shattering beat of your heart and you don't realize you are screaming or crying until a worry pair of arms wrap around you, a slim figure kneeling on the ground next to you and clutching you tightly. You return the embrace blindly, anchoring yourself to the human before you, before your brain recognizes him. "Peter," you choke out his name as he turns his tear soaked face up towards yours. "We won. Mr. Stark won...Tony won," he whimpers and you clutch the boy to your chest, rocking him gently as he cries and you brush your fingers through his curls. You have no idea how long the two of you stay like that before another pair of arms encompass you and you turn your face up to see Steve. You lay your face into the crook of his neck as he holds you and Peter and cry until darkness overtakes you.

The next few days are a blur of grief as you hold a small ceremony for Natasha and prepare for Tony's funeral. You're vaguely aware of reuniting with those that had been snapped away but your mind certainly doesn't process the events. "How is she?" you hear Sam ask Steve quietly as you finish getting ready for Tony's funeral, you dress as dark as the circles beneath your eyes. "Not well," Steve admits. "She thinks it's her fault. She pushed Tony to help us and now... between him and Nat she's reeling." You blink away a fresh wave of tears as you listen to the two before a new topic catches your interest. "What do you mean he's not coming?" Steve asks in disbelief as Sam quickly shushes him. "He doesn't think Tony would want him there. He's trying to be respectful." Sam quietly explains and your heart aches at that. You say nothing as you walk past the two men and down the hallway, towards one of the many guest rooms and knock on the closed door.

"(Y/N)?" Bucky asks in a shocked tone when he opens the door, clearly not expecting to see you. "Sam said you weren't coming," you say in a slightly accusing voice, although your gravely tone makes it sound more like a whine. He shakes his head slowly, not quite meeting your eyes. "Tony wouldn't have wanted me there," he responds quietly and you can see the anguish in his deep blue eyes at that. "Bucky," you breathe out his name as you reach up to caress his face before thinking better of it. You hand resting on his shoulder for a moment before sliding down to take his flesh hand and lift it between your own. "He forgave you a long time ago." Bucky shakes his head but you squeeze his hand tighter. "He did. You are the only one who still casts any blame about our parents...that wasn't you Buck." When he doesn't respond you sigh and squeeze his hand again. "Please come. Tony would want you there...I want you there." For a long moment, Bucky stares at your joined hands, his eyes lingering on the familiar ring that is nestled on your finger before he gives a small nod. "Thank you," you whisper softly before wandering off to see if Pepper needs anything. You miss the way his eyes follow you down the hall before he turns back to his room. You also miss the figure further down the hall that watches the two of you with weary eyes.

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