Chapter 2- Trip

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I woke up the next day and got ready. I grabbed a black suit case from the back of my closet. I filled it up with clothes, jewelry, and hygienic utilities. I saw my plush bear that I had since I was a baby and shoved it in my suitcase. I grabbed anything that caught my eye. After all, I didn't know how long I was staying there. I got everything into my car and headed to the airport. As I arrived, I heard the flight attendant call out the Japan flights. I rushed and quickly made my way to the plane. I sat down on the window side of the seat. It was going to be a very long flight. Eleven hours in total. "Well that gives me enough time to come up with a plan." I thought. How was I going to catch Kira? I could'nt just expect to find them in the middle of the street when I got to Japan. They could be anyone. So many people were looking for Kira, so what made me think I could find them? It had just hit me that I made the most stupid decision. It was so irrational. I needed time to come up with a plan not just wake up and get a flight. I started feeling nauseous with my thoughts. I wanted to tell the pilot to stop and turn around. That was also irrational though. I counted to 3 and made sure to breath deeply. I wanted to get my thoughts in order. I grabbed my phone out of my bag and called to work.
"Good morning, I won't be going to work for a while"

"I'm going out of the country for personal reasons"

"Yes I do understand the consequences of my actions"

"Next time I will be sure to call before"

"I don't know how long I'll be staying"

"Okay I understand"

I hung up the phone. I'm fired. They fired me so easily. I mean I don't blame them, I just can't take a vacation when I want. But still. That was rude. Whatever. They'll regret it when I catch Kira. I got out my laptop and started working on my plan. I would be arriving in Japan in nine hours anyways. I had lots of time to kill. I put my hair in a braid and opened a document on my computer. I titled it Kira Case. I would begin working on my plan. The first thing I will do is find him. He would definitely know something about Kira.

Hey guys. Haha i havent updated in a long time 😓. Its because ive been busy and ive lost motivation:(. (Nobody really reads this story anyways.) This chapter was short and tbh future ones might be short or long (im not really consistent in my writing). I hope more people start reading this tho :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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