Planes, Trains, and Italian Scenery

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Hello! This is a complete story that I am bringing over from FanFiciton. I will be adding the chapters as I have time to do it, I'm hoping to have all 30 chapters posted before too long.

If you have any constructive critiquing I'm more than happy to listen. Just bear in mind if you decide to critique that I only write as a hobby for my own enjoyment.

I hope you enjoy!


Disclaimer, I do not own Assassin's Creed or any of it's content or characters. I do own any original characters that appear.

I check myself in the mirror, wiping away a couple of mascara smudges from around my forest green eyes. But my hair has gone into disarray... I try to flatten out the warm blonde frizz with absolutely zero success. I should have listened to my gut when I thought about putting my mini hair oil in my bag before we left the hotel room. That hair oil is some kind of miracle... It can turn my frizzy mess of honey blonde hair into a semi-attractive collection of loose, wavy curls.

I step back to try and get a better look at myself in the small bathroom mirror. I maybe should have thought about taking a backup shirt with me... I bit my lip as I look up and down the person in the mirror, I feel a twinge of that victory that I had initially felt upon seeing my goal weight on the scale. And to think that all it took was two years of consistent hard work and a total diet overhaul. I hadn't really been bothered by my weight, but I had to draw the line once it started to get in the way of my everyday life. That was one of the hardest things for me to ever admit to myself... I hadn't ever considered myself to be fat... Only a little on the heavier end... So, when I had to admit to myself that it was getting out of hand, it really took a toll on how I saw myself in the mirror... Or when I was having a bath, or putting on that pair of pants that fit just last month...

And there is no way I could have achieved anything without Vee... She helped me every step of the way too. Far beyond what I had expected of her... She had even helped me by introducing me to the people that coached me in all the skills that my parents had fostered when I had been younger. All the classes that my parents had sent me to that I had given up on back when I became more interested in art were now fully realized skills. Like the mixed martial arts classes, along with some varied other fighting skills, some fencing and basic swordplay, shooting in both archery and guns, and parkour. Most of which had come back to me as easily as I had originally gained them, despite the years of those skills going completely unused.

And now, looking in that mirror, instead of the effort not to dwell on my looks I find myself smiling that the person in the reflection. Sure I may not be the perfect model of body weight, with the remaining pudge around my stomach, chin, and thighs, but simply the fact that I can look in the mirror and smile is something I never felt before this point. And now, when I take a bath, I can focus on relaxing instead of thinking about my body. And the pants don't fit because they fall off if there isn't a belt.

"Alright. Let's go." I say to encourage myself.

I step out of the bathroom to find a scene that is pretty typical of my sister being... Well, anywhere, really. Venus simply attracts this... A group of attractive looking Italian men are standing around her chatting her up, most likely inviting her to party at night. I can already see where this is going over the next few minutes here. She is very charismatic, so naturally, she easily draws this kind of attention. She is usually very graceful about it as well...

God, my parents could not have named her more perfectly. Venus, the Roman goddess of beauty, and my sister lives up to her name... Vee is gorgeous head to toe. She has sleek platinum blonde hair that seems to be consistently, flawlessly cascading down her back. She has rich, azure eyes and even without makeup her face looks nearly flawless. And her petite frame with slightly toned muscles contribute to her having the most coveted body type in modern terms.

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