50 : please.. tell me this is not happening.

Start from the beginning

"You will be married soon, Soomin. Stop with your single life bullshits." Soomin just laughed at her, telling her she was just kidding. Haru wasn't buying it. Knowing Soomin, she'll do it for sure.

"You girls can go now. I'll just rest here again... I'll call Jay too. Enjoy."
Soomin nodded her head, smiling.

"Perfect. We'll start the barbeque party tomorrow once Jay arrives. If you need anything just call the attendees. They'll heed your call." She told Haru. Haru nodded, shutting the door of her room closed.

She walked towards the balcony, taking her phone from the bedside table to call Jay.

The phone rang a couple of times until it was answered.

" Hey... love."
She heard Jay's tired voice from the other side of the phone.

"Good.. Evening? What time is it there right now?"
She asked, looking at her wrist watch. 'twas  already late at night in Korea, 4 hours advanced with the time in Maldives.

"2 in the midnight..."
He answered shortly.

"You're done working, right?"
She confirmed. Jay nodded his head even tho she can't see it.

"Yes, fortunately. I just finished showering, will be there with you in a few."
He told her which made Haru smiled.

"I see... You must have been tiredbecause of work. shouldn't you rest first, baby?"
Haru sat on the wooden hammock on the balcony, swaying herself a little.

"Do not worry I'll sleep on the plane..." he whispered, pausing for a little before continuing since he's checking his luggage at the back of his car, "And you are my rest, baby. I can't wait to see you again."  he whispered, smiling.

"Yeah we've been like 15 hours away from each others? I miss you."
She said, half sarcastic while chuckling, finding it ridiculously funny. Jay laughed a bit before driving to the airport.

"I missed you too, love..."
He replied which made her heart flutter even for the tiniest bit of reasons.

A calming silence went in between their conversation. No one talked, just.. Connections.

"I love you, Haru."
He broke the peaceful silence with the words she want to hear from him the most.

"I love you too."
She replied.

"Don't forget that I love you, alright? You might find handsome guys there while i am not present but please, don't leave me, love." he told her. Haru laughed.

"Of course! There's no one like you. I won't fond anyone better than you so you can rest assured. I'll wait for you here! Have a safe flight!"
She told him, standing up from the hammock and walking back inside the room.

"Yeah of course baby.. I love you. Bye."
He bid his farewell. Haru sighed, shutting her eyes closed and feeling her eyelids getting heavier.

"Yeah.. I love you too, Jay... Good night.."
She hung up the phone call, immediately falling asleep right after.


Haru woke up feeling a bit uneasy. She felt someone sitting on the bed, opening her blurry vision and rubbing her eyes to check who it is.

" Jay? "
She asked.

It was not him.

Soomin, who was sitting next to her looked at her with a worried look. Haru's forehead creased, seeing how Soomin's lips tremble.

That was the moment she realized there was something wrong.

"Hey... What's..."

She can see how Soomin teared up, her trembling hands gave her the phone she's holding for awhile now.

The video she paused played yet again, a news report. Haru watched it, slowly getting nervous seconds by second.

Haru felt her whole world shattering in front of her as the video started to play. She felt numb, her hand turned cold in shock and fright.

Anxiety covered her whole being, not processing anything the video is saying.

There was only one word running on her mind.

A name.

The one she'll never forget no matter what.

Tears started forming on her eyes, ideas sinking on her brain one after another.

"Breaking News!! The flight 1130 from South Korea that was supposedly heading towards Maldives suddenly crashed on the northern part of the pacific ocean! Coast guards and marine officers are now finding the bodies of the victims of the accident, hoping they could retrieve a single survivor from the plane that crashed."



Happy New Yeaaaaar everyone!!

I wrote this while drinking so pardon the errors it's prolly because i'm drunk alr NYAHAHAHAHA anyjays, hope y'all are having a fun new year's eve!! Stay safe, healthy and happy for the next year as well!! That's all for now, Chuu~

2 more chapters before the epilogue hshshs

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