"Ight answa dis. Was y'all the only two in the stu" he asked waiting for my response

"Yea so" I said looking at him

"And did she make eye contact with you the whole time" he said. I thought for a moment

"Yeah " I said

"Dumb ass. That girl want you. Especially all that shit tmz and shade room posted. Y'all look like a couple" he said

"What Eva man " I said waving him off

"Ight think what you want dumb ass" he said playing Ahmira song. I sat there nodding my head to it.

"Aye play that back" I said. He did and I started humming to it.

"I think I found my next record bruh" I said taking out my pen and pad.

Friday- 5:34pm- Ahmira-

I sat on the couch next to Kenzie giving her a glass of wine

"Thanks" she said

"No problem" I said sitting criss cross on the couch

"His house is niceee" she said looking around

"I know. I need his decorator number" I said she smiled

"So what's been up girl" she said talking a sip of wine

"I got fired from Blue Diamond" I said shrugging

"Girl what? How?" She said sitting up

"I got into it with bubble bass" I said waving her off she laughed

"That's fucked up" she said shaking her head. "Did you beat her ass" he said leaning in

"Bitch you know I did" I said. We laughed

"That's it. I know you got something else little miss singer" she said dancing in her seat

"Meandauggaveeachotherhead" I said really fast before taking a sip of my wine

"Wait run that back" she said cuffing her ear. I sighed

"Me and august gave each other head" I said lowly

"Bitchhhh no you didn't" she said slapping my shoulder

"Yeah we did last night" I said face palming my forehead

"Ouuu bitch how was it" she asked

"It was pretty good" I said . She looked at me like bitch really." Okay it's was sooo good. He can work some magic with his tongue" I said while flashbacks appeared in my mind

"My bitch getting her freak on" she said rolling her hips

"So are y'all official. I heard that sing you made" she said winking at me

"No we are not official" I said shrugging. She nodded

"But y'all act like it though. Just be careful okay, ask him what are y'all doing straight up. Y'all might be on two different pages" she said. I played with my fingers knowing she was partially true. We didn't make it clear we were in a relationship

"Okay enough about me. what's going on with you and Chris" I said bumping my shoulder against hers

"Girl we just messing around. Having fun nothing serious" she said waving me off. I nodded knowing Kenzie doesn't like relationships. We were watching a movie when my phone ringed

"Hello" I said

"Hey girl it's Chanel" she said

"Oh hey" I said. Kenzie looked over at me and Mouthed who is it. I put her on speaker

You Deserve Better: August Alsina Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now