Chapter 1: Buster's Big Break?

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Things were going well for Buster Moon and his friends. After a sold-out show of Out Of This World in Redshore City, they'd been doing the show at the Majestic Palace theatre for months, and the cast have never been more proud. Everyone except Buster himself, though.

Ever since the Moon Theater was rebuilt, Buster was focused on putting on more shows that everyone could enjoy. But now, as he saw his cast (or rather his friends, as he'd come to call them) singing, dancing, and acting together on the beautiful space-set stage, he wondered if he could have a bigger role too. Heck, sometimes he'd often imagine himself on stage with his friends, being part of the show instead of just watching it all play out.

After yet another show of Out Of This World, Buster talked things over about his problems with Ash. "I want to show everyone that I'm more than just a theatre owner, you know. After seeing you guys out there, I just want to be...a star!" "Well, I bet we can make that happen!" Ash replied as she got out the pop-our book that Buster used to demonstrate the plot of the show, and flipped it to the last page.

It showed a picture of Buster with a purple tint, stars all over him, and a gold tuxedo. He was on a planet filled with twinkling stars and a bright blue crescent moon. "Me and Gunter worked so hard on this last night, but we've been saving it for you!" Ash smiled as Buster was surprised. "Is" "Yep. It's your own planet! I talked with everyone about your problem, and they said they'd love to have you on stage!" Buster beamed with excitement. His big dream was about to come true.

"Wait, how are we gonna do this?" Buster asked, "I know I've wanted to be in Out Of This World since our first performance, but what'll we have to add to make this work?" Gunter ran up to the two. "Don't worry, guys! I totally have the perfect plan for Buster's planet! Me and him will just need to work on it!"

"You sure, Gunter?" Ash said, determined to let her work with Buster, "Me and Buster could work with you on it if you want." "It's fine, Ash. I'm sure of it. We're all a team working together here, right? Like Lewis and Clark, or Alice and Wonderland." "Alright. But if you two do need me, just let me know." Ash headed off to lunch with everyone else while Buster and Gunter went back to their hotel room to think up the lead-in to Buster's big moment.

Buster Moon Takes The Stage!: A Sing 2 StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu