Chapter 5

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When Stiles finally shows up, his arms laden with plastic grocery bags, Derek’s just barely hanging on enough to open the door and let Stiles in.

“Oh, man,” Stiles says, “sorry, I wasn’t sure what you had or liked and… ok let me go set this stuff down.” Stiles rushes to carry all the bags into the kitchen and set them on the counter. He’s still carrying one bag when he reemerges into the living room where Derek is curled in on himself on the couch.

Stiles sidles up next to him, brushes his hair from his forehead. “Come on, Derek, let’s go somewhere a little more comfortable.” He slings one of Derek’s arms over his shoulders and helps him up from the couch and starts walking him down the hall. It’s a small loft, so it doesn’t take Stiles long to figure out which room is the bedroom. Once inside, Stiles drops the bag he had on the ground and gingerly sets Derek on the bed.

“Stiles,” Derek mutters out when Stiles steps away from him, kicking off his shoes.

“Yeah, Der, I’m right here, not going anywhere. Give me a minute and I’ll be right there.” Derek watches in a haze as Stiles quickly strips down, tossing his clothes aside before rummaging through the bag he brought intaking out a few bottles of water and condoms. Even though Derek has seen Stiles model in various states of undress, it’s nothing compared to what he sees before him.

Stiles steps up between Derek’s legs and sets the items on the bed next to them. “You still doing okay?”

Derek nods, and Stiles cups his face in his hands, tilting his head up to look at him. “I’m… I’m really glad you called me, Derek. I’m going to take such good care of you. I promise,” Stiles says, his voice earnest and sincere. It’s soothing for Derek, and even though a part of him is already frantic with his heat, Stiles’s voice is calming and reassuring.

Derek doesn’t quite know what to say to that, so he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he leans back on the bed. He’s only in his underwear, but they’re already wet with sweat and slick. He moves to take them off, but Stiles’s hands stop him.

“Let me help,” Stiles says, taking over and removing Derek’s underwear, revealing his hard leaking cock. It feels odd for Derek, letting someone help him, because he’s never done this with someone else before, but at the same time it’s nice.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Derek,” Stiles whispers in awe when Derek is completely naked, and Derek can’t help but preen at the praise.

Derek’s never been a very verbal guy to begin with, but when he’s in heat, he’s mostly mute. Not that he’s ever had to speak to anyone during his heats anyways. But, Stiles doesn’t seem to mind that Derek doesn’t respond to him. Stiles helps Derek get a little more comfortable on the bed, all the while reassuring him that he’s there, that he’s got him, that he’s not leaving.

It’s great, really, and Derek is beyond the point of being embarrassed and instead wishes he had found someone like Stiles (or maybe just Stiles himself) sooner to share his heats with. He’s been denying himself of such wonderful affection and praise from an alpha, and now that he’s experiencing it, he’s mad at himself for waiting this long.

Even though his heat has come early, he can normally stay coherent and hasn’t experienced the frantic, crazed feeling most other omegas feel. Of course, nothing is normal now with Stiles. His scent is overwhelming, and Derek can already feel himself giving into instinct, internally begging to have Stiles fill him up and knot him. He doesn’t say it though, but it seems like he doesn’t need to.

Stiles positions himself above Derek on the bed, continuing to move his fingers over him, touching and caressing him in ways that would suggest he and Derek have been lovers for years, when in reality they don’t even know each other’s last names. Stiles has been talking this whole time while Derek has been lost in his thoughts, and he registers a little of what Stiles is saying.

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