Chapter 2

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It’s a week later that he sees that same model again, this time on the back of a magazine someone is holding up while they wait for their coffee. When they flip the page, practically closing the magazine to do so, Derek makes note of the specific magazine before taking his own cup and fleeing. There’s a magazine stand around the corner on his way to work, and he picks up a copy for himself, stuffing it in his briefcase before continuing his stroll back to his office.

His office is on the fifth floor of a tall high-rise that he thinks houses at least 20 other businesses, but his is the only one he cares about, so he’s never known who else is in the building. He sees the same similar faces in the lobby and the elevators, and even though he nods in acknowledgement sometimes, that’s the extent of his interaction with them.

When he gets to his office, it’s almost like the magazine is burning a hole in his briefcase; however, he refuses to distract himself from looking at it until he is at home. Instead he checks his email and works on various projects from his computer, ensuring he won’t have to open his briefcase for anything (even though he has some pretty important papers in there). By the end of the day, he mentally pats himself on the back for being so strong and resisting.

At home he finally retrieves the magazine and flips to the back where the model he’s been so intrigued by is. This time, instead of omega fragrances, the model is pictured in a well-tailored suit, advertising a new line of omega-specific clothing. The text next to the advertisement reads “You don’t have to be an alpha to dress like one.” He has the same smirk as he did in the fragrance billboard, but even though he’s in a full suit and not-half clothed like before, he’s just as attractive and arousing to Derek.

Derek pulls up a browser on his laptop and types in the line of clothing that’s being advertised, and once he finds the specific line the model was wearing, he almost passes out at the treasure trove of photos he has found. The model is exclusive to this clothing line, it seems, advertising all of their pieces, and it turns out the line doesn’t only have suits.

There’s casual clothes, more formal wear like the suit in the magazine, but also underwear.

God, the underwear.

Derek stares for far too long at the model's pert ass in a pair of boxer briefs, long enough to almost be resigned to the fact that maybe he’s just not wired to be mated with an alpha. He’s not even sure he could blame his arousal on his upcoming heat this time, it’s that bad. He even contemplates being alone forever because there’s no way he would ever meet this omega model, and even if he did, the guy surely already had an alpha waiting at home, and if not could get anyone he wanted. Not Derek, another omega.

Instead of doing the smart thing like closing out the window and moving on, Derek clicks through all the pictures, multiple times, more times than he would care to admit. He knows it’s pathetic, but no one’s around to judge him, so he doesn’t quite care.

This time he doesn’t just dream of a cute upturned nose and pink lips, he actively thinks about them and the way the model filled out his underwear, all while Derek pleasures himself. He was already too far gone, might as well go all in.

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