"Okay, stop it.", I made them part from the hug, approaching them.

I grabbed Zander by the arm, glaring at Luke. He frowned slightly, looking back at me.

"Drew, what the hell. Let me go.", I let go of his arm reluctantly.

-"How have you been, Zandy?", the taller on cooed, grinning.

I couldn't tell whether he was provoking me or just being flirty with Zander. Either way, it didn't please me. I wanted to strangle him, destroy his kneecaps, dismember him, drown him... Ugh.

"I told you not to call me that.", he pouted, cutely.

-"I can't help it, Zandy! I think this nickname suits you very well!", he smiled.

He pat the top of his head. I huffed, looking away, trying my best not to ruin their "hangout". I crossed my arms looking at them.

"Wanna check the books the library received this morning? The librarian told me they are in this aisle.", the auburn-haired boy offered.

-"Sure, let's go.", my boyfriend nodded.

I followed them, making my way to the aisle. They started talking about science fiction or something. I got my phone out, bored as fuck. They both continued doing whatever they were doing before Luke spoke, softly as always. It pissed me off.

"Hey, I gotta go to the restroom. I'll be right back.", he declared then left.

Yeah, right. I bet it's because he's getting hard, fantasizing about MY lover. That hoe. I hate him.

"Drewy, what are you doing?", Zander spoke curiously.

-"Scrolling through Instagram, again.", I answered.

-"You're not stalking Zoey's life, are you?", he coldly said.

-"What? No! I never stalked Zoey? I'm looking at Luke's page.", I informed, venom in my tone.

-"Drew, babe.", Zander called my name, serious.

-"What?", I looked up from my phone.

-"Are you jealous of Luke?", he asked, slowly grabbing my hand.

-"No? Why the hell would I be jealous of your real lover?"

-"Drew, he's not my lover, he's only my friend. Well, my childhood friend. We broke up, remember? I don't like him that way anymore.", he corrected.

-"Well, it doesn't seem like it.", I blurted out.

The other sighed.

"So, you are jealous. Drew, I only love you. Why would you be jealous of Luke?", he cupped my face, placing his soft hands on both of my cheeks.

-"I'm not jealous!", I debated.

-"Pfft, please. You are jealous. You can't deny it. You can't even hide it properly!", he laughed.

I huffed, closing my eyes.

"Drew, come on... I know he has feelings for me but he's not like that. He knows we are together. And it was in highschool! It's been 3 years now.", Zander leaned in to kiss my cheek gently.

I sighed, take in my hands both of his.

"Your hands are warm...", I said, blushing slightly, looking at his hands, calming down.

-"I know.", he smirked, proud.

-"I'm sorry.", I apologized.

-"Sorry for what?", he asked, tilting his head.

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