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  Jamie had always felt beautiful.
  But then Jamie met Max.

  Jamie loved everything about Max- how tall he was, how deep his voice was, his confidence, and his athleticism. Jamie wanted to be like Max.
  And she thought she loved Max, but they were just jealous... jealous of his body and his voice, his kind eyes, and his loving family...
  But Jamie thought she was in love with Max.
  And when Jamie told Max how she thought she had felt, he laughed. He laughed and he laughed and he laughed. And then he hurt Jamie. He hurt Jamie in ways that would continue to hurt Jamie until she died. He hurt her in ways that were unimaginable for that tender young age.
  Jamie was only 10.

Jamie was only 10 when Jamie decided to stuff down her and to become them, because Jamie wasn't ready to be him, no, not him, not like Max's him.

But nevertheless of how much Max had hurt Jamie, Jamie could never tell they're parents. 

Jamie's father was very sick, he had to take a shelf full of medicine everyday, and he was always angry because he couldn't work on that much medicine. And Jamie's mother was a nurse, who was always in and out and Jamie rarely saw her, because she was always working. And Jamie always had to take care of their little brother. Their little brother used to have a twin, but he was killed in the school shooting at his kindergarten. And Jamie couldn't imagine that a 2nd grader would be able to understand, and if he could, it would put him in a terrible situation that Jamie didn't want him to be in.

  So on the harsh nights of terrors and sadness and misery, when the wounds would hurt so much, Jamie would stay in their room, away from everyone, trying to protect themself and everyone else at the same time, protecting everyone from their pain.

  And one night, when it hurt the worst, Jamie grabbed the kitchen scissors, ran to the bathroom, and left a large clump of hair on the cold, bathroom tiles.

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