The beginning

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Jisoo was like normally on a Monday evening at basketball practice. The couch just give them a short brake and the brunette sat next to her best friend Lisa. Lisa was currently flirting with a cheerleader (not really a surprise). Out of nowhere the cheerleader stand up angrily and walked away.

"That went well." Jisoo said sarcastic to Lisa and tried hard not to giggle. " Very funny,"Lisa answered " at least I try to get laid. What about you? Still too focused on basketball?"

Jisoo didn't answered, she was a little annoyed . What is wrong about being focused on basketball ? She thought.

Lisa turned fully to her best friend and said "Sorry, I know that basketball is Importen to you I shouldn't have said that. But you know that I'm pretty sure that your dad would want you to get laid.." she thought about what she just said "..wait I take that back , that just sounded weird. But really I think he would want you to be happy with someone."

"I know but i want to make him proud." She looked down. Jisoo' dad died two years ago, it was hard for her , she was always very close too her dad . They both sheared a passion for basketball so she always tried to play as good as possible. Her mother was a CEO at a big company that means they had a good amount of money but that also meant she never really saw her mother.

" Everyone back to practice! " the coach shouted .


Jisoo went home after the basketball practice.
Her mother was as always not home.

She made herself something to eat and after eating she took a quick shower and went to sleep. "Tomorrow it going to be a normal boring day. "She thought. But little did she know what is going to happen. (Let me tell you one thing , it's definitely not boring;)


The brunette woke up normally and got ready.
She drive to school in her Porsche like everyday.

When she arrived at school, she parked her car and went inside.

The usual amount of people said simply 'hi' and she said 'hi' back and kept going.
Jisoo didn't really cared that she was popular in school it was just not really important too her.

Her first period was math witch she didn't had a problem with , she was good at school. She was mostly happy to see her two best friends Lisa and Kai.

She was normally walking too class when out of nowhere she got a door slammed in her face.
"Shit,.... Oh fuck,..." she wains while holding her forehead. " Oh my Good! I'm so sorry," a sweat but unknown voice said „ I'm such an idiot. Are you okay ? Oh Good no you're not okay, you're bleeding!" She said in horror and embarrassment. " No it's okay, I'm okay." Jisoo said still holding her forehead and a little pain was in her voice that the girl in-front of her heard. " I don't think so. Let me bring you to the nurse,...please." She said looking down.

What jisoo didn't know was that the girl was blushing because she didn't payed any attention of how beautiful the girl in front of her was until this moment. And she felt horrible for hurting her pretty face.

Jisoo didn't know what to say so she just accepted the offer.
They both went to the nurse, jisoo got two stitches and a plaster on her forehead.

When the nurse excused herself, jisoo looked at the girl next to her who was looking down still embarrassed.

"Jisoo," the brunette just said "I'm jisoo."
The other girl looked up shy and responded "I'm Jennie,and I'm terribly sorry about that..."
She said pointing at jisoo' forehead "Not your fault . I mean you didn't know I was behind the door."Jisoo smile.

Jennie liked the smile " Oh good it's so's my first day and I hit someone with a door." She said covering her face with her hands. " Now it makes sense because I never saw you her bevor . Where are you from?" Jisoo asked interested "New Zealand." Jennie answered.

" in which city did you lived?" Jisoo asked in perfect English. " Do you know any Cities in New Zealand ?" Jennie answered a bit sassy English.
" I lived in New Zealand for two years so probably." They are still talking in English.
"Oakland,you?" Jennie asked interested.
" Same " Jisoo smile and that made Jennie smile as well.

Finally the nurse came back and says that they could go back to class. Which they did.


It turned out that Jennie goes to the same class as jisoo. And the teacher asked jisoo if she could show Jennie around after school and bevor basketball training. Jisoo couldn't say no too that so she didn't. Actually she didn't had anything against Jennie even though Jennie was still very shy around her.


It was finally lunch time and Kai and Lisa asked jisoo a thousand of questions about her forehead and way she came to class with the new student. Jisoo shortly told them what happened and then sat down in the cafeteria.

Jisoo saw Jennie coming in the cafeteria with a boy around the same age as all of them that meant seventeen or eighteen maybe even nineteen. They were looking for a place too sit so jisoo waved them too her and her friends.

They sit down and introduced themselves .it turned out that the boy' name was Taehyung and he was jennie' younger brother. It also turned out that Jennie was one year younger then jisoo and her friends, that means she is seventeen and her brother is sixteen.

After a while of talking and getting to know each other a small group of 3 girls approached them . You could tell that they were shy.

„Hey, jisoo unnie we just wanted to ask if everything was okey with your forehead?"
One of them said in a shy but kind of flirty way . „ Um, yeah everything is okey just an accident noting more. „ Jisoo said smiling.

Jennie was kind of happy that jisoo didn't tould them it was her fault. They kind of looked like they were about to kill her just because she sits next too jisoo.

„ I mean it would be awful if you couldn't play at the game this weekend. What should we do without you? „ one of the other girls said.

Jisoo was about to answer when Lisa just interrupted her and said „ I mean you still have me." she winkt. Jisoo and Jennie tried really hard not to giggle. „ thank you Lisa but don't worry I will play." jisoo smiled.

Than the girls just left. „ I didn't know you were one off the popular ones at school." Jennie said a little awkward und shy. „I mean I know a lot of people and I am the Team captain of the basketball team so I think that's a plus." Jisoo said trying not to sound arrogant. "Woah thats so cool... the Captain really? " Taehyung asked.
Jisoo just nodded. Taehyung seemed to found it cool and he started asking jisoo a thousand questions about basketball and being a captain.

Jennie liked jisoo' company even though they have known each other for only a day.


A/N : I hope you like the beginning,I personally don't really know what to say. I like the idea and everything but I don't know about the way I write it.
PS : don't worry about Kai (no jenkai)

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