How you met or reunited

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Chapter 1. How I met your mother

Dazai Osamu

You were giving yourself rowing lessons at the river.

After watching "When Marnie was there", your sister went crazy and your mom gave you all the responsibility.

Hoping one of your patients won't see you, you tried to learn how to do it yourself before teaching your sister.

Not like you didn't want her to drown or anything, it's just your mom will kill you. It didn't matter that you're 20 and moved out of your parents house.



Someone was drowning.....

You started to panic.
Then you jumped in the river.
You pulled him out.
He sat up.
He took your hand................



Atsushi Nakajima

You were Atsushi's only friend at the orphanage.

The two of you hugged through the bars.
The two of you talked through the bars.
The two of you laughed through the bars.
Every night you sneaked in food for him.
Every day you sneaked him away from fights.
Every month you sneaked him out of the cell.

"Y-you're the best f-friend anyone can ever have y-y/n ."

But that was all before you got adopted.

Ten years later.....

You were sobbing.

Your adoptive sister was at the mall with you and she got caught in the bombing attack.

"Please , please , l-let me go with her."
You begged the nurses who was carrying your sister's stretcher.
Only to be turned down with a smile of pity.
You called your parents and started to cry as you informed them of your situation.

Due to all that, you hadn't taken notice to a certain weretiger watching you as his co-workers discussed the bombing with the police.

You looked surprisingly familiar to him. Due to unknown reasons, it hurt him when you cried.

Mustering all the courage he has, Atsushi Nakajima decided to approach you.

"Hey, it's going to be fine, your sister is going to be okay."

You felt a hand on your shoulder.
And that voice......
That voice was oddly familiar.

Your eyes widened as you spun around.
It has been a long time since you saw the familiar face. There was no mistaking him. No one else could possibly have such unique features.

He couldn't have mistaken you for someone else either. There was simply no one else who drew him in so much. No one else who made him feel all those things.

Emotions overlapping, the two of you called out each others name.


It's been ten years, and you haven't forgotten each other. To be honest, it would be stranger if you did.

You hands shakily reached out to his face. Tears gleamed in his strange purple-yellow orbs.
None of you felt like anything or anyone else mattered at the moment.

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