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(Charlotte POV)

It was only an hour-long journey, but we did arrive to the harbor. Edmund paid extra for the two horses to go on the ship as well. We had our own little siting area with the horses in the lower half of the ship. It was just a simple bench in front of a fence where the horses stayed. The two horses instantly began eating hay once they entered the fencing area.

"I feel bad now. We rode them while they were hungry." Edmund said as he petted Peter's head.


We were about three hours into our journey when a young woman and her father came to our little seating area. They sat on a bench only about five feet away from ours. The girl wore a pale pink colored gown. It had silver trim and expensive lace at the sleeves. She had simple gloves that ended right above her wrists.

She had her hair tied up in the typical bun with a hat resting on top of her head. There was a ribbon tied below her chin keeping the hat in place. The girl looked over to me. I turned my head back to the horses not wanting to seem creepy.

"Charlotte?" I looked back to the girl for she had said my name. Her voice had a thick British accent filled with beauty, almost like an opera singer. I studied her face. She stood up and ripped off her hat.

"Alice?" I stood up to. We both ran into each other. "You're in a dress!"

"I know right!" She pulled me into a hug. She pulled away and twirled her dress. "Is it convincing?"

"It fooled me!" I said with a giggle.

"Charlotte?!" The man stood up the second he said my name and ran back over to me standing next to Alice.



"So, if I want to get over to London, I have to pull off the look of a true lady. So, Father had to buy me this BLOODY DRESS! I hate the corset. The woman at the shop made it so tight! I can't even breath!"

"If I were you Alice, I would stay away from corsets as long as you possibly can. They are truly the worst torture device the devil has ever created."

"I think I figured that out a while ago. I seriously hope we arrive soon! I don't think that I could last another day with this thing on!"

"Well—er—how about six weeks?"

A Daughters Journey حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن