A Twist In Time PT. 2

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So I told Jade yesterday. She hasn't talked to me or looked at me and has stayed atleast 30 feet away from me at all times. She even blocked my number when I tried to apologize over text.

She and Beck left school at lunch. I know it was to avoid me. It would have raised to much suspicion amongst the group and Beck if they just sat somewhere else so she probably came up with an excuse for them to leave.

She's probably told Beck what happened. He'll probably tell all our friends. Everyone in school will find out..

'I just had to open my big mouth!' I think as I make myself and Trina dinner.

'I convinced myself that telling her was the right thing to do when I KNEW she didn't like me back. Jesus I had to go as far as telling her I was in love with her?! I could have said I had a little crush! This would have panned out better!'

I can't help but begin to tear up. I lost her. Not only as the possible love of my life, but as a friend. I know she never called us friends but I do and I know deep down she does. Well. She did..

"Hey what's the matter?" Trina says from behind me pulling me out of my thoughts

"What?" I say wiping my tears and turning around

"Your getting tears on my chicken. What's the matter?"

"Why do you care?" I take plates out and begin preparing them.

"Your my little sister. I can care atleast a little bit."

She takes her plate and we sit at the dining table

May as well tell her. I haven't told anyone, even Andre. I'm to embarrassed.

"Today I confessed my feelings to someone." I take a deep breath

"And not only did they not reciprocate. But they made me feel terrible and disgusted about it, stormed off and avoided me all day. They even left school early! Now their gonna tell everyone and I'm gonna lose he- him! ... as a friend."

She looks at me like she's not sure what to say.

"Sorry bout that. Can't relate." I'm not surprised she's no help. I don't blame her thou she's not the sweetheart type.

"Tnanks." I say dryly as we eat our dinner



"Who the hell is baning at our door?! What do we do it's like 8 pm?" She says standing up

"Chill, were not gonna die. Check the peephole" I say as if it should be obvious and continue eating.

She goes to check the peephole and sighs "It's the devil" She says turning to me and opening the door

"Ahh coming to take you home?" I joke not caring who it was and continuing eating.

"What are you doing here. We're not in the mood to be frightened" Trina says to the guest at the door

I turn to see who but she's blocking my view so I turn back to the table.

I hear whispers coming from them. Sounds like arguing.

Trina sighs and a second later I hear the person come in.

Before I can turn around my heart drops at the next words out of the guests mouth

"Tori. We need to talk."

I snap my head their way to see Jade standing at the the door and Trina holding it open annoyed.

"Jade? Wha- umm what are you doing here?" I stumble to my feet

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