Chapter 3

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September 1st, 2022

10:30 am

Rosalie (Hope) P.O.V
The next month has gone by so fast after the dinner with the Malfoy Draco and I haven't been apart very much.
As the month went by we learned all that happened since the night we 'died' how my dad lost his power and now has to feed off his lower followers, how all the death eaters are hiding or in Azkaban losing their minds my papa being one of them he got caught as a mass murder for killing Peter Pettigrew and 12 muggles and my mother is in St Mungos for becoming a shell of herself after losing both mates and her daughter all in one night we even talked about Harry too apparently he's now known as the boy-who-lived.

Now here we are at Malfoy Manor getting ready making sure everything is packed and ready to go for Hogwarts. I just finished putting on my flats when there was a knock on my door "Hope are you ready" Draco asks through the door once the adults started talking about my parents Draco found out my real name and the Malfoy found out about the lightning bolt scar on my cheek "yep" I reply he comes in and grabs my trunk and I grab my bag I got for my birthday. Grabbing Draco's hand we go to where the adults are "Are you ready Hope Draco?" Lily asks us we nod.

James and Lucius grab our trunks and our hands we soon show up at King's Cross. With all the people running around and making so much noise Draco holds my hand tighter and I look at him "I want to make sure I don't lose you" he says looking me in the eyes I nod and smile "ok the train leave at 11 so you both get your trunks on board and stay together" James says to the both of us "Draco remember you are a Malfoy you have power in your name take good care of Hope" Lucius tells Draco with a stern look Draco nods and squeezes my hand I squeeze it back "ok I love you Hope and I will miss you my sweet girl" Lily says giving me a kiss on the forehead
As she pulls away she sees someone and gasps "James" she whispers grabbing James by the arm she points at a boy with clothes that are at least three sizes too big "he looks just like you" Lily tells James     

"Harry Potter," Lucius says softly "wait... Harry Potter as in your son Harry" I ask knowing the answer just wanting confirmation Lucius nods as James and Lily are too emotional.

I look at the people who raised me as their own and made up my mind, turning around back to the boy I walk up to him "Hi my name is Rosalie Harley and your Harry Potter right?" I introduce myself "y- yes I'm Harry nice to meet you gorgeous, " Harry says with a cut little stutter and a very brave compliment I giggle and his smile brightens "I know we are gonna get along great come on I have to grab my things from my guardians and we can go find a compartment with my friend Draco," I say motioning back to where Draco and the adults were standing Harry nods and we walk over

"Lily and James this is Harry Harry this is Lily and James my guardians" I introduce them to each other Harry says his Hellos to everyone and Lily gives him a hug as she tears up. The train soon honks its horn signaling it's almost time to go. We hug goodbye and make our way to the train we eventually find an empty compartment, and putting our stuff away we sit and start talking, throughout the ride two bigger boys come and say hello to Draco and introduce themselves to Harry and I after a while of talking they go off to find their other friends.

After half the ride some girl with bushy hair come in " excuse me but have you seen a toad a boy Neville lost his" she asks looking around as we shake our heads "oh very well.. your Harry Potter aren't you" she says as she spots Harry's scar on his forehead, Harry nods "I'm Hermione Granger charmed" she says saying hands with Harry "your a muggle-born aren't you" Draco sneers "Draco is doesn't matter whether she's muggle-born or not she has magic she a witch that's all that matters not her blood status" I say glaring at Draco for bringing it up

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