"You are excited," said Vader. "Be wary of your emotions, Kemberli. Master Ti is a real Jedi Master. I do not expect you to return from this mission."

Vader's flat remark took me aback, but not for long. If he didn't believe I would return, then I would surely show him that he was wrong by defeating Master Ti and returning.

"On which planet is Ti, Master?" I asked, cautiously dodging his statement. I almost sighed with relief when he left that topic.

"Felucia, in the Outer Rim."

"I'll go right away, Master."

Vader dismissed me with a wave of his black-clad hand. I ran nonstop through the halls, eager to be on my way. I was glad I had taken the time to change my clothes and eat a bit. I hadn't slept, but I could catch a few winks during the jump through hyperspace. The astromech droids had refuelled the Star Princess when I had landed her, so everything was ready.

I powered up the Star Princess, activated her cloak, and, once the droids opened the bay gate, flew out into space. I punched the coordinates for Felucia into the navicomp, then made the jump to lightspeed. I sighed when I finally snuggled back into the pilot's seat. It was wonderful to be flying alone again, with only my own thoughts for company. If I could have carried out the last mission by myself, I would have. It wasn't that I hadn't liked my little squadron - apart from Caryoliss, they were polite and followed orders perfectly - but I simply preferred being alone. I supposed that was normal of Sith lords. The dark side was all we needed.

My eyes closed. I let the hum of the hyperengines lull me to sleep. I floated blissfully through a dreamless oblivion. Before I knew it, the navicomp bleeped, waking me from my snooze to alert me to the proximity of Felucia. The Star Princess fell from hyperspace into realspace as I yawned and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Mesmerized, I watched the blurry nothingness of hyperspace gave way to the clarity of realspace. Dead ahead through the viewshield sat Felucia. From here it was colourful, greens and blues blended together in a beautiful marble of life. White clouds ringed the atmosphere. However, on the surface, the wildlife - plants and animals alike - ran wild. I had read about Felucia before. It was a dangerous planet, with plants so toxic their fumes could kill an adult rancor. Ferocious beasts prowled the jungles. The natives, the indigenous Felucians, were equally savage and mostly uncivilized. Shaak Ti was indeed a powerful master if she had actually survived this long on this planet.

I guided the Princess down into Felucia's atmosphere. Under the clouds I was greeted with a tangle of fierce-looking flowers. Their bright colours made me blink. I couldn't land there. The Princess's sensors told me that the land was too uneven. As I flew on, the trees grew tall and menacing around me. The dark side was strong here, I could tell. The jungle floor was thick with roots and giant fungi. It was some time before I could find a decent landing spot. Even then, my landing spot was a gigantic mushroom with a flat enough surface. I seriously doubted its endurance, but I hovered over it anyway. I kept my hands on the controls, ready to jerk the Princess away in case the mushroom broke. To my surprise, it held. It seemed safe enough, so I powered down the Princess. If the mushroom collapsed, I guessed my ship wouldn't suffer too much damage...

I stepped out onto the mushroom and inhaled deeply. Immediately I wished I hadn't. A putrid stench lingered in the air, which was breathable for humans aside from the terrible smell. I hacked and coughed violently, and thought wryly that this was an instant, albeit smelly, awakening. The sleepiness in my head cleared after a second breath of genuine Felucian perfume. I almost wished I was a stormtrooper, with the blessed helmet that came with everything, including an air filter. I smiled wistfully at the thought and then was on my way.

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