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Emily Fields held a tight grip on her motorcycle handlebars as she made a quick left turn. The strong wind was blowing her hair all over the place and she could've sworn she almost ran into someone or something because she couldn't see a damn thing. She knows this sounds crazy, but she actually loves that feeling. Doing something dangerous or reckless has always been so...exciting for some reason. Besides swimming, riding her motorcycle is the only thing that makes her feel so alive.

As soon as she was in front of the school she pressed on the brakes and instantly she heard a loud shrieking sound. Emily knew she should've stopped the motorcycle earlier because she left a dark mark on the concrete floor. She didn't really care though because she actually thought what she did was cool and it caught everyone's attention immediately. As much as she doesn't want to admit it, she really loves being the center of attention.

She took off her helmet and flashed her signature smile at the huge crowd in front of her watching her every move. Most people wouldn't be used to this much attention, but Emily was because everyone in Rosewood knew her. If someone didn't know who she was, well then they're probably new to town. She was the queen of mean and the most loved and the most hated person in the school. Every girl wanted to be her and every guy wanted to be with her.

Emily ignored all the guys that were yelling her name and walked up the stairs so she could enter the school bundling. There are a million other places she would rather be at right now and school definitely isn't one of them. She wanted to skip school and maybe go to a party, but knew better not to because she already missed so many days of school and her mom would have been pissed if she found out that she didn't go to school because of some stupid party.

When she made it to her locker she saw her four best friends waiting for. One of them was Spencer Hastings, the smartest person she has ever met. The other one was Aria Montgomery and she might look small, but she could kick anyone's ass if they hurt her friends. And there is Hanna Marin and if anyone needs fashion tips then she's the girl to talk to. The last one is Mona Vanderwaal. She used to be a nerd until she met Emily. Once they became friends everything changed and she turned into one of the most popular girls in school (of course not as popular as Emily).

Sometimes Emily thinks that the only reason she goes to school is because of her four best friends. If it wasn't for them then she seriously doesn't know what she would've done with her life. She finds everyone else in Rosewood High School annoying and obnoxious, mostly the guys who would do anything to get in bed with her (even though she doesn't really blame them. Who wouldn't want to fuck her?)

"What's up guys?" Emily approached the girls.

"Did you see the new girl?" Aria nervously said.

"No, should I care?" Emily asked.

"Yes!" Mona jumped in the conversation.

"Every guy is obsessed with her!" Spencer added.

"And...?" Emily didn't understand what was the point of her friends telling her this.

"Aren't you scared...you know...she might take your spot." Hanna told her and Emily couldn't help but laugh.

She laughed for a good two minutes and her friends gave her a confused look. Emily had no idea who this new girl is and she really doesn't care. After a week or two she's going to be old news and everyone is going to be talking about Emily fields again. And she doubts this girl is even that pretty.

"Don't worry girls, no one will ever be able to be as popular as me...that's just impossible." Emily said.

"I hope you're right because there is no way in hell I am becoming a loser again!" Mona yelled.

"You won't, I promise. Anyway, I've got to get to class." Emily said as she waved goodbye.

The infamous clique finally split up and went their own ways. Emily had to go to her English class while the other girls has different classes. She hated her schedule this year because she had no classes with her friends, which sucked.

As she was walking in the hallways she noticed that no one was paying attention to her, which didn't make any sense. Usually everyone would try to talk to her or would stare at her, but instead they all stayed quiet. Suddenly Emily thought about what the girls recently told her. Maybe they were right...no no no. If this has something to do with the new girl then she was going to find this girl and maybe turn everyone against her. Emily only spent a few seconds thinking about ways to make people understand that she will always be the queen of the school until she felt her body collide with someone else.

All of the books she was carrying in her hands crashed to the ground. She was already late to class, so having someone bump into her was the last thing she wanted. She clenched her firsts and felt the anger take control of her body. There is no way someone can run into Emily Fields and get away with it.

"Hey!" Emily screamed, "you better watch where the fuck-"

Emily paused the moment she looked up and saw who the person she bumped into. She was....wow. Words couldn't even explain her. Her brown eyes locked with the strangers baby blue eyes.

"You should probably apologize to someone the next time you run into them." The blonde girl said.

"Wh- What? You've got to be kidding me! You're the one who went in my way!" Emily yelled.

"You're her...aren't you?" The girl asked. Emily didn't say anything back because she was speechless for the first time.

"People warned me about you...they told me to stay away from you because you're a bitch." The girl said.

"You've got that right!" Emily fixed her posture and started to gain back her confidence.

"You know...you aren't as pretty as I thought you'd be. These boys in this school over exaggerate you." Her eyes scanned Emily's body and she didn't know why, but she was beginning to feel a little nervous.

"Well, I'm much prettier than you." Emily crossed her arms. Who the hell does she think she is?

"Whatever," the blonde said as she was about to walked away, but stopped once she heard Emily's voice.

"Wait! Who the hell are you and why haven't I seen you around?" Emily asked.

The blonde smirked and said, "I just moved here last week. And oh, I'm Alison....Alison DiLaurentis."

Star-Crossed (Emison)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora