Apologies!!/ Redemption!!

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After that Battle, you were Taken back to your Mansion, where Shuna is healing you of your injuries, in your bedroom, and even though you head A Hole in your chest with A Chunk of flesh ripped with her healing, and your regenerative abilities adding to your healing process, which is going by very fast.

Y/n: "Thanks for Healing me Shuna, You're the best."

Shuna: "Awww, Thank you, Master! Now come here!"

She then Grabbed you and began rubbing her cheek against yours as you both smiled!

Y/n: 'Ooh, That's that Good Shit! Suck it Ferret's you no good attempt at Adorableness!'

Just then there was A knock on the door, as you both heard some fighting from the outside, as Shion walked in Holding some Papers while trying to keep the door closed!

Shion: "Master, I think we might have A Problem, with the new Guests because they are- WOULD YOU ALL STOP FIGHTING! They are all fighting, and I just can't stop them."

Shuna: "Oh My!"

Y/n: "Shion did you tell them anything?"

Shion: "Huh? What do you mean Master? I don't know what you are talking about. I mean It's not like I Told the hero party girls anything important, that they could have spread to Ariel and Her group in A Jealous bid to make themselves look better because of an old rivalry, and now, and Now They are fighting about it in-"

Y/n: "You told them about the Harem didn't you?"

Shion: "I Did."

You then Started getting out of Bed, as Shuna was trying to support your Body up!

Y/n: "Thank You Shuna. I'll talk to them. I'm Their Friend I can settle this."

You then Pushed Past Shion, and Opened the door to see everyone fighting, and it was A Literal Zoo with everyone fighting eachother, while Ariel was Just watching, eating Popcorn, and you decided you immeaditly have to do something about it.

Y/n: "Holy Crap... EVERYONE STOP!!"

Everyone then stops as they Turned to you, and You began to speak up!

Y/n: "Why are we fighting? Why are we even fighting? What Happened to us?"

Sophia: "There was never an Us Y/n. It was Just us, and them... Or I guess really Me, Wakaba, and them."

Kumoko: "Wow, Thanks for those encouraging words Sophia."

Julius: "You attacked us!"

Sophia: "You Deserved it!!"

Sue: "Oh You wanna fight!!"

Kumoko: "SURE!"

Shion: "It's an International Incedent."

Y/n: "EVERYONE STOP FIGHTING! Okay! Everyone is wrong here! You guys are wrong for Picking on Shouko and Wakaba in our past Lives, that's Just Bullying and that's Not right. Kuomoko, Sophia, and Ariel, you are wrong for attacking them! That's not how your respond to that! And Julius, Filimos and Sue, you aided them in attacking those three, so your not innocent either! I am Tired of seeing everyone fighting becuase I am happy I get so see everyone from my old classroom but this is not what I was expecting. Okay? Are we good? Can we Apologize?"

Everyone: "We're Sorry..."

Y/n: "Good. And Ariel, I understand We're both fighting against the Demon King, so we can work together."

Ariel: "How did you-!?"

Y/n: "I can Kinda tell. Why else would A Demon Lord go Rouge like you did?"

Ariel: "Heh, You're right! Great Job!"

Y/n: "Hey, and Besides If you all want in the Harem you could Just ask!"

Girls: "How did you-!?"

Y/n: "Shion told me."

Shion: "As His secretary it is my Job."

You then began to Hug and Kiss the girls, as Julius and Shun smiled, but then Ariel began to walk out, before your hand overlayed hers, and you looked at her!

Y/n: "Why are you leaving Ariel?"

Ariel: "I-I'm sorry It's Just... I really am A Mean and Dispicable Creature at Heart. It's Just so Difficult to... Really Change."

Y/n: "Difficult? Hahahaha! Now Look here changing from Bad to Good, is as easy as taking your first step!"

Just then A Song Began to Play as you began to Sing...

Ariel: "Thank you so Much Y/n!"

She then Kissed you on the cheek as you smiled, and Shion smiled, as clothes went flying everywhere!

Shion: "That's Great! New Harem Members! And Now we can Celebrate with A BBQ! I'll Be Cooking!!"

Shion: "That's Great! New Harem Members! And Now we can Celebrate with A BBQ! I'll Be Cooking!!"

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Y/n: "Woah, Woah, Woah, Woah, WOAH!!! Let's Hold our Horses for A Moment here!!"

Meanwhile at the Seas Near The Jura-L/n Federation...

A World Goverment Ship was Sailing towards the Beaches of the Federation as it was Following the Trail of A Pirate Ship, they have been Tracking for several Days, and A Man with A Pidgeon Glared at the direction of wheree the Ship went.

Pidgeon Guy: "Those damn Straw Hats, Are Taking Refuge in that City of Monsters. Seems Just like them to do so."

Just then A Man with A Square nose ran up and Began talking to him!

Square Nose: "Sir, You don't really think of attacking the Jura-L/n federation do you? I mean their A Fledging new Goverment, with several connections from the kingdom of Dwargon to the Kingdom of the Demon Queen. The World government won't stand for it."

Pidgeon Guy: "Silence."

Pidgeon: "Coo! Coo!"

Pidgeon Guy: "If they are Habouring the Straw Hats, then we Must deal with them with everything we have. Take the Snail, and call in for all of the Marines in the Local Area so we can land an Assult on the city so we can Draw the Straw hats out."

Square Nose: "Y-Yes, Sir! Of course sir!"

Pidgeon Guy: "Now are all of you, going to fight them, or are you going to back down?"

Bearded Guy: "Yes, Sir."

Mustache Guy: "We Shall destroy them."

Zipper Mouth: "Chapapapapapa! I shall make them all Pay with my new six style techniques!"

Masked Man: "Hahahahahaha!! I can't wait to get revenge of Nico Robin for Humiliating me back at Enies Lobby, and I swear I shall get my vengeance and-"

Woman: "That's Sexual Harassment."

Masked Man: "HOW!?"

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