Y/n is Milim's Bestest Friend!!/ Harem Additions!!

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After Befriending The Now Former Demon Lord Milim with her Greatest weakness of Food, and After Talking some things out., You had learned that Demon Lords are out for your head but as far as she knows the Demon King Just doesn't care which is A Total Breather since no one knows how powerful that Guy is!

You had decided to take her back to the city to sort some things out, as she kept talking to you Like A Hyperactive little kid, which you found to be Super Adorable!

Milim: "So Maybe we can Eat some Mochi, or have A Water fight, or maybe we can write A Friendfiction together about Our Friends, Or should I say you're friends since I kinda don't have any besides you, and Maybe can also-"

Y/n: "Milim You're really cute but can you Please be quiet?"

Milim: "Okay Then, I'll Just Hum then!"

She then starts Humming still not being Quiet as you made it into the city, and Milim was Just being A Cute little Nuisance as you were both clearing for Your office, when you encountered, Rigur, Geld, Shizu, and Gabiru, with the Former three being somewhat Terrified of her, but Gabiru, of course, had no idea who she is, and decided to confront her!

Gabiru: "Hahahaha, Oh Lord Y/n, Who is this Little Runt? GAH!!"

Milim in response had punched him so hard he went flying through the Streets, leaving dents in the brick roads until he crashes into A Nearby Shop!

Milim: "Hey, Nobody calls me A Runt, JERK!"

Shizu: "Y/n, W-What is Milim Doing here?"

Y/n: "Maybe I should explain. Remember what happened outside of the city? Well Apparently I had defeated her, and now she wants to fight on our side, because I offered her Mochi, and now she won't leave my side."

Milim: "You gotta be kidding me. Food is her weakness?"

Milim: "Shut up you Jerk!"

Y/n: "Milim calm down."

Milim: "Yes, Sir!"

Y/n: "Good Grief. Look I should better announce this to everyone. Come on Milim."

Milim: "Okay!"

You then Teleported her to the middle of the Crowd and you both stood on top of A Statue of you getting everyone's attention!

Y/n: *Clears Throat* "Hello Everyone, As you're Chancellor, I Lord Y/n have an Announcement! This here is the former demon Lord Milim, and As you can see she is not attacking anyone, And That is because-"


Everyone then began to cheer as you became Wide-eyed and Scared!

Y/n: "BEST FRIENDS!? I didn't ask for that!"

Milim then gave you A Sad look as she was about to cry!

Milim: "Aren't we Best Friends? Because... I thought we were... If not... I Just might cry..."


Everyone cheered again as Milim Hugged you, and Math who tending to Gabiru Just took off his Best Friend Ring A Little insulted but don't worry, He'll get over it real quick!


You were back in your office after that Announcement, and Milim had Followed you there, and she began following you all over the office, and you got annoyed so you decided to do something about it!

Y/n: "Alright, Look Milim if You're gonna be following me around you're gonna need some new clothes."

Milim: "Why?"

Y/n: "Because Those clothes are Just... Weird being on you! Let me fix that. Spacial Spell: Clothes Beam!!"

With You're clothes beam you had Changed her clothes from what it was into A Pink Sweater with A Red Heart, A Pair of Black Shorts, Some White stockings, and Black Shoes, with her Hair Tied up into A Pair of Buns!

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With You're clothes beam you had Changed her clothes from what it was into A Pink Sweater with A Red Heart, A Pair of Black Shorts, Some White stockings, and Black Shoes, with her Hair Tied up into A Pair of Buns!

Milim: "Hm, I like it but it's A Lot more clothes than I'm used to wearing."

Y/n: "Call it A Gift from your Bestest Friend."

Milim: "Wow, Really!?"

Y/n: "Yep. Now, Why don't you leave me alone so-"

Knock, Knock, Knock~

There Wa A Knock on your door, and you just sat down at your desk, reverted back to Base form, and put on A Smile!

Y/n: "Come in~!"

Just then Shion Opened the door, and she came in with Souka which surprised you, and Shion walked up to you, and smiled as she talked into your ear!

Shion: "Master, Souka has something important to say to you."

Y/n: "Okay then. Thank you. What is it Souka?"

Souka: "Lord Y/n, It's hard for me to say this... But... Um... Ever since you have helped my people, and have renamed me, I may have developed feelings for you, And... And... I May have developed feelings of love for you, My Lord, and I would like to Join your harem. I-If you don't mind of course."

You then smiled and kissed her on the cheek as Her blush grew, and her legs felt like Jelly as she let out A Small smile!

Milim: "Woah, Woah, Woah! You have A Harem!? I want in, I want in, I want in! I want in this Harem!"

Everyone: "Huh?"

Milim: "You heard me!"

Shion: "Are you even sure what A Harem is Milim?"

Milim: "Of course I do! I've been around for The Last Few Hundred Years! And Y/n is my Bestest Friend so I deserve to be in this Harem of her's, not to mention she is Pretty damn Cute! Like me!"

Y/n: "Well I gotta be Honest You are Freaking adorable, You're in!"

Milim: "Yay!!"

She then Kissed you on the cheek as Souka did the same on the other cheek, and you pretty Much smiled!

Y/n: 'So this is what my Reincarnated life has turned into Huh? A Lord of A Federation, I have A Harem of Beautiful and Cute girls... I wouldn't have it any other way.'

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