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"but... you didn't come to school today..." rodrick spoke, both lines going quiet once again.

you chuckled quietly, your sister crawling back on your bed, snuggling your thigh.

"and you thought I missed my biology class for an asshole?" you stroked your sister's hair and she chuckled at 'asshole'.

"yeah... you like biology?" he asked, suddenly invested in the conversation.

"yeah... why?" you mumbled, confused.

rodrick paused for a second to think of a way he could ask you to tutor him.

he wouldn't ask you, but after the conversation with his mom and the tempting mom bucks, he decided to give you a try.

"uh, do you, maybe, like chemistry?" he bit his lip, waiting for your response.

"rodrick, what do you want?" you sighed.

"I just... need help" he mumbled, laying back down on his bed.

"I know you do" you chuckled and heard rodrick clear his throat, both of you falling silent.

"tutor me..." he hesitantly spoke, sounding desperate.

"oh... um, but you're older than me... you're supposed to know more" you answered, confused.

"I know, shut up... but you're so smart at that stuff" he said quietly, sounding upset, his words making you go quiet.

"okay... what is this about?" you mumbled softly.

rodrick explained his project and what he's done so far. he explained how he wrote and built his last project, you cringing at his lack of understanding the project.

"fine, fine... I'll tutor you" you gave in, a headache starting to form.

rodrick sat up on his bed, his eyes wide in excitement and his lips slowly parting, not knowing what to say.

"I'll take... a dollar per lesson" you smirked slightly, already thinking about your profits.

"die" you heard rodrick quickly get up and rush away, calling out his mum before the connection cut off.

rodrick rushed out of his room, looking around for his mum with his mom bucks in his hands.

"if I get a tutor, do I get mom bucks??" he spoke as soon as he reached the kitchen, a smile on his face.

"is she cute?" she smirked, rodrick looking away.

"does it matter?" his mum laughed and patted his shoulder.

"I'll take that as a yes" she chirped, shooting a smile at rodrick's dad.


you chuckled and put your phone aside, your mom immediately walking in your room.

"so... who was that?" she asked, genuinely curious.

"Heffley" you mumbled and wiped your nose, your mom taking your sister off of you.

"you know you'll get her sick. why did you let her be so close to you???" she immediately changed the subject, lecturing you about your health and care.

you got up and walked to the bathroom after your short lecture, washing your face as you sighed deeply.

your mum's words ringed in your head and you looked at yourself in the mirror, a tiny tear rolling down your cheek.

you quickly wiped it away and walked out of the bathroom, lazily heading back to your bedroom. sitting down on your bed, you called rodrick's number and waited for him to pick up.

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