Relations or the same person?

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Keebo: Thank you for your compliment! I'm glad I was able to introduce you to this fandom

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Keebo: Thank you for your compliment! I'm glad I was able to introduce you to this fandom. :D

Naegi: Again, how do you guys do those faces???

Byakuya: Its better to not question it Naegi, it'll just make your brain hurt.


Izuru: Well, surprisingly, me and Hajime aren't brothers! We just ran into eachother by accidently while at a event. We sometimes call each other brother just to fool around with people, the surprise on the directors faces when we told them that we weren't brothers in any way was hilarious lol

Hajime: Us meeting was a pretty funny story not gonna lie, I might tell you guys if you asked but maybe not today.


Asahina: Naegi? He's cool! I like that guy

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Asahina: Naegi? He's cool! I like that guy.

Mukuro: Funny story actually, when he came to audition, I mistook him for one of the auditionee's child. It took him 20 minutes to explain the misunderstanding!

Junko: Naegi almost quit on the spot after that but we convinced him to stay and try to audition for the role again, thank goodness we did.

Ishimaru: Naegi is a fun guy, but he should really speak up sometimes. When we first started, Naegi spoke too softly and we had to retake the scenes multiple times. But he makes a good main character overall!

Mondo: Him? He's cool but he should join me in training sometime. I once punched him by accident and he was completely knocked out! I swear I saw his soul coming out of his body-

Ishimaru: Bro, as much as I love you, I'm pretty sure the reason why he was knocked out is because he pack a strong punch.

Mondo: I-


Chihiro: I am infact, a boy. I was actually the one to suggest the plot twist in the first place as I have always wanted to exprience what it was like to be a girl! But, that doesn't change the fact that I am a boy biologically. Please don't take this the wrong was though! I just don't feel like the girl life is for me.


Naegi: Unfortunately, it is not natural. We usually have to spend almost as much time as it does for Mondo to style his hair, to style ours.

Shuichi: I wouldn't be able to count the amount of times the ahoges fell mid-scene, having us restyle it again to how to was before-

Hajime: That was nightmare! Especially for my side, I had to make it super pointy and it kept falling whenever I did free time events.


Asahina: D O N U T S

Naegi: .....Egg..

[Extreme choking noises in the background]

Byakuya: Hmm... [Looks at Naegi before smirking] Egg, specifically the ones that are boiled.

Sakura: Ah.. steak I suppose.

Mondo: Bread with butter

Ishimaru: B r e a d

Kirigiri and Celeste: Macaroons

Hifumi: noodles

Chihiro: ..Cheerios-

[Laughing that sound suspiciously similar to Monokuma coming from the ceiling]

Yasuhiro: Cereal

Leon: [Looks at Yasuhiro's hair] Fried noodles

[Offended gasps]

Toko and Genocider Syo: Spaghetti ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Sayaka: Soba

Junko: Lets see... Sweets!

Mukuro: Spicy stuff I suppose.

Naegi: Thats all?

Ishimaru: Thats all!

Kirigiri: Goodbye dear readers, we'll see you next time!


(Hello readers! I apologise for not uploading any chapters these past few months[?] Motivation is an @$$ -3-
Anyways, I kinda need you to help me with something. I haven't been keeping track of the questions being sent in these past weeks so if you have sent a question that hasn't been answered yet, please type the chapter you left the questions on [examp: chapter 8] . Thank you and I'll see you next chapter, over and out!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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