"No," Clarisse confirmed, "Charybdis."

Y/n felt her heart skip a beat, "Are you crazy?"

"Only way to the Sea of Monsters. Straight between Charybdis and her sister Scylla." Clarisse pointed toward the cliff tops.

"What do you mean the only way?" Percy asked, utterly confused, "The sea is wide open. Just sail around them."

Clarisse scoffed, "Don't you know anything? If I tried to sail around them, they would just appear in my path again. If you want to get into the Sea of Monsters, you have to sail through them."

"What about the clashing rocks?" Annabeth suggested, "That's another gateway. Jason sailed right through it."

"I can't blow apart rocks with my canons," The daughter of Ares paused, "Monsters on the other hand.."

"You are crazy." Annabeth decided.

"Watch and learn, wise girl," Clarisse turned to the captain, "Set course for Charybdis!"

"Aye, m'lady!"

Tyson whimpered as the ship picked up speed and the engine roared louder.

"Clarisse," Percy started, "Charybdis sucks up the sea. Isn't that the story?"

"And spits it back out again, yeah."

"What about Scylla?"

"She lives in a cave, up on those cliffs. If we get too close, her snaky heads will come down and start plucking sailors off the ship."

"Choose Scylla then," Percy stated, "Everybody goes below deck and we chug right past."

"No!" Clarisse declared, "If Scylla doesn't get her easy meat, she'll pick up the whole ship. Besides, she's too high to make a good target. My cannons can't shoot straight up. Charybdis just sits there in the center of the whirlpool. We're going to stream straight toward her, train our guns on her, and blow her to Tartarus!"

Y/n glanced up and found the Ares flag whipping freely in the air. Charybdis was getting closer, the waves getting stronger. She felt her stomach flip multiple times and she wanted to gag. She gripped tighter onto the railing, "I hate this. I really hate this."

"Percy, you still have that thermos full of wind?" Annabeth asked over the crazy wind.

He gave her a nod, "But it's too dangerous to use with a whirlpool like that. More wind might just make things worse."

"What about controlling the water?" Y/n yelling amongst the crashing waves, "Oh gods I think I'm gonna be sick." She mumbled, closing her eyes.

"You're Poseidon's son. You've done it before." Annabeth said.

The boy closed his eyes, attempting to concentrate, "I-I can't."

"We need a backup plan."Annabeth stated, "This isn't going to work."

"Annabeth's right." Tyson told them, surprising the trio, "Engine's no good."

"What do you mean?" Asked Y/n.

"Pressure. Pistons needs fixing."

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