17 - The Villain's Evil Plot ig

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Miles' POV:

"In ten minutes." BlackHeart stated, waving the remote around nonchalantly. "You're going to die. And, before you do, I thought 'what better way to occupy you, then a little explanation?'"

I raised an eyebrow at him, hands still grasped around the tight strip of metal on my ankles. "An explanation for what's gonna kill us, or why you're trying in the first place?" Jamie giggled, glancing at me. "Stop it." BlackHeart hissed. "You good for nothing children couldn't even begin to comprehend the danger you're in at this moment." "So why you taking so long?" Jamie called out. "Enlighten us, Einstein." God, we were funny even in the face of death.

BlackHeart huffed as he stalked closer, eyes darkening. "I'm warning you." He muttered, voice lowering. "If you don't zip it, you're death'll be a lot more painful than imploding, smartass." I said nothing, but cocked my head and smiled. "Glad you finally found some IQ." He snarked, turning back to the tv screen, which had turned bright, and had words in bold, boring calibri font. 

"It's as simple as this," BlackHeart started, "There's a bomb in the room. And that bomb is set to explode in about..." he checked his watch. "Six and a half minutes. And, of course because I'm mentally superior, I'm not going to tell you where the bomb is. "As he continued to prattle on about us ceasing to live and his non-existent intelligence, my feet were slowly becoming numb. I glanced at Jamie. She was bent almost completely over her right foot, hand moving frantically and eyes concentrating on the metal bar. 

"What are you doing?" I muttered, nudging her arm. She glared at me." Give me a second." She whispered. I squinted my eyes at what she was holding, and suddenly it came to me.

A bobby pin. 

Of course she knew how to pick locks. 

I glanced back at BlackHeart. He had his back to us, the idiot, glorifying in his plan." And now." He declared, turning back to us with a crap-eating grin. "Your time has come!" A faint click came from Jamie, and I suppressed a smile as she slowly reached over and inserted the pin into my lock. I breathed a sigh of relief as the band came away from my ankle. "It's a little too early for our demise, don't you think?" Jamie rolled her eyes at me, whispering, "Idiot." before lunging at Blackheart's back, tackling him to the floor. He all but yelped as she pushed him down, legs giving out beneath him. In a moment though, he'd recovered, and shoved her off. I knelt down and held him to the floor by his cloak collar, face pressed into the cold tile. "You're done, Blackheart." I told him. "Either you let us go, or we'll all die together." Jamie got up and dusted herself off, glaring at the villain that had kidnapped her.

Blackheart was being curiously quiet. I didn't like it. "Talk, you little-" Without warning, a force pushed me over, and I was flat on my back. I raised my head frantically, and the rapid clack of Blackheart's boots led him to the front door. "Crap, crap crap!" I yelled, chasing after him. The door slammed into my face just as I reached it. "Hey!" Jamie screamed, banging on the door. "Let us out, you scumbag!" I shoved my shoulder again and again into the steel door, to no avail.

"You're crazy!"

"You're just realising?" He cackled, and the last thing I heard over the ticking of the countdown were his feet, running away from the scene.

A Leap of Faith - Miles Morales x OCWhere stories live. Discover now