16 - We Didn't Really Think this Through

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Jamie's POV:
While Miles had his back and forth with the guy who damn near killed me, I was busy trying to think of a way to kill him. Typical of Miles to leave all the dirty work to me. Wandering to the corner of the room, where we had left the unconscious henchmen, I silently felt around in his pockets for anything I could use.

I found a pocket knife, a burner phone and a dirty toothpick by the time 'BlackHeart' noticed I was up onto something.
I knew he knew I was up to something because a strand of my hair got sliced with a throwing star.
God dammit.

Turning around to face, I was just in time to see Miles jump on his back as he advanced towards me, locking his arm around his neck and squeezing. Getting up from my kneeling position, I rushed over, despite Miles' warnings to
"Turn back, Jamie. You're gonna get yourself killed."
"Bs." I muttered as I put my hands in BlackHeart's hoodie pockets.

"What the hell are you children doing?" He snarled, bending and throwing Miles forward, back-first into me. My head throbbed, and my lower back ached.
Miles clambered to his feet, just to be knocked down again by BlackHeart, his lanky frame no match for such a tall man.

"Did you really think it'd be that easy?" He chuckled. "Put me to sleep and hand me over to the police? You haven't even heard my evil plan yet." Producing a remote from his pocket, he pressed a blue button, and steel bars hooked over my ankles. I tugged on my ankle desperately, but they were stuck. Looking over at Miles to my right, he was in the same situation.

"Now that I've got you both calmed down, just relax and enjoy the show depicting your destruction."
The orange button on the remote prompted a TV to descend from the ceiling.
Very, very slowly.
Like...extremely slowly.

"Um..." I trailed off, glancing at Miles.
"Just..wait a second, it's coming." BlackHeart waved me off. The TV kept going. I checked my watch more than a couple times.

Eventually, after about 4 and a half minutes, the TV finally stopped.
"Okay!" BlackHeart clapped his hands. "Time for me to state your demise!"

A Leap of Faith - Miles Morales x OCWhere stories live. Discover now