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It took me a while to wake up this morning but when I did I was so happy. Candypearl is coming today. I have never gotten up and ready so fast. When I reached the breakfast room, yes they have a breakfast room, lunch room and dining room, I quickly sat down waiting the arrivals of the others.

J- James
C- Cordelia

J- your up early. A voice states behind me

C- Yeh, I have always had to get up around 6, it's a routine. It was usually when my training started for an hour before school.

J-Good, it will give us time to talk about rules and expectations in this house
1- if you go somewhere always inform one of us
2-Never go on the top floor, it is where our offices and work is.
3-dont do drugs but you will be allowed to drink on some occasions
4- if you are struggling in any subjects at school please inform me we don't want another Nathan incident
If I see fit I will add more rules but for now this should suffice.

C-They all seem reasonable but why can't I go on the top floor if it's just offices?

J-There is just no reason to. He shuts me down quickly. Well that's not at all suspicious especially with the guns and shit.

JJ(james) just got a call and he looked... displeased to say the least.
I think your pet is here he basically spat out at me.
I lept out my chair and ran to the gates and that's when I saw her In the arms of a gard who looked concerned and borderline psychotic. I quickly took her and she was so happy to see me. As I walked back to the house she snuggled into my chest asleep.

When I walked back into the breakfast room everyone was up and staring at me. Owen quickly came over can I hold her to which I replied not yet I want to wait for people's reactions first.

As I sat in my seat she woke up and looked around startling everyone and I hear JJ say I thought it would be a dog or a cat hell even a lizard but not a bloody fox. Your a nightmare. I looked him straight in the eyes and said no darling I'm a dream and if you go dissing cece here I will haunt you forever and she is basically a way better and improved version of a dog or even a human.

Pissed off that no one really seemed thrilled about my little foxy I hand her to Owen and go to the kitchen to make my self a cup of tea. As I am boiling the kettle and putting the tea bag in the mug I look around for some honey when Suddenly I'm pinned to the fridge by two guards. Normally I would escape and beat them up but I don't want my brothers to know I know how to fight yet and I wanna see what happens.

The one with yellow teeth demands who the fuck are you and don't lie, breaking into the Golding residence is a big crime, I might just have to kill you but the other one interrupted not before we have some fun, she's a pretty little thing.  I looked at them in absolute disgust and I mean how stupid could you be, why would someone breaking in make themselves a cup of tea.

I'm bored now soo... JAMES, KEVIN I shout with fake fear and they come running in with guns drawn. Ooh drama! Shame it ended so fast, after the guards dropped me with fear evident on their faces Kevin grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room telling me to stay there until someone comes. Soon after owen enters with cece asleep in his arms and as clear as day I hear two bangs. Bangs that are unmistakably gun shots and I know the guards are dead.

I turn to Owen who suddenly looks very nervous and he scratches his head what was that and don't lie he looks anywhere but in my eyes umm, urrr, ugh someone umm someone probably slammed a door. Yeh someone just slammed a door. I look at him unimpressed with an eyebrow raised.

Fine fine. dammit I should not be telling you this so pretend you don't know after. We, our family is, well we're the English mafia, have been for generations, please don't hate us. Blimey, I knew they where in a gang or something illegal but a mafia that's a whole new level. I hope they aren't like other mafias I have had past run ins with.

As long as you don't do human trafficking or kill innocents I could never hate you, your my family even if I have only known you for a day. He practically throws himself at me and tells me they fight human trafficking and he is so happy but the others can't know I know yet because he will be in lots of trouble.

The Mafias Missing DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now