< Prologue - 2 >

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( Please do not miss the author's note at the end )

"Any other book dear child ? This one i hope you will get in section C !

Is it your first time here ? Make it a habit boy !
Make it a habit ! "

The first rays of evening frantica dawned in as it spreaded its vows throughout the busy streets of the autumn hue . The early victorian street lights posing its aesthetic volumes in each corners of the sharp clean streets , were ready to lit up gracefully , adding to the shinning stars , warming up the dark memorts with its glow !

Cold winds were blowing in a soothing breeze , although enough to shiver you hard at moments , but not such to make you clad in the burps of falling snow !

Warm coats grooming on each moving figures , accompanied by fragmented shawls and protecting caps , the people straddled through the  polished streets of London , just in front of the huge magestic gate of Kings University of London !

If it was a normal time , the frontline now would have bulged out with the chaotic crowd of several students ,  but a sweet Sunday evening was calm with a serene flow !

Although , there was a busy environment surely brushing in somewhere , in the mid of several books , the heart of every readers and book lovers , it was the  Library , the famous library of the most respected University in London !

The lamp lights hanging on the ancient walls , coated with a deep crossbar of brown colour , flickered in a dim zone , as few of them got switched on , spreading its much needed light in the half-filled busy yet chaotic room  !

The library was all along a huge space , crowning itself in a sea of knowledge . It was the abode of books , placed in a vibe of majesty , on each shelf , crowded with its voldemort  source !

Books of several geners positioned in the named sections , were filling up every unwanted gaps in that cozy , warm room !

Several benches were filled with pairs of curious eyes , dripping their concentrations and inquisitive minds in the few dusty , few fresh pages of a whole empire of books , each grabbing one such in their patient fingers !

Some were going through the must read important notes of their courses ,  they study in their reputed university , while some drenched in reading various stories of their interests , gaining the lifelines of their part , passing the warm eve of a pleasant sunday !

Many were standing against the wooden shelves , just checking the books , finding one suitable for their interest , and which could feed them the required reason for coming here !
All the sections having students and millenials of their interests , quite busy in their own worlds of exploring new dimena !

"You Boy !
Dare you slip any book next  time or make any noise !
It is the last warning !! " ,

the high pitched old voice of Mrs. Parker , echoed in the quite silent room as she gave a stern look with her wrinkled lashes towards the brown hair , fair-skinned one , sitting at a corner , quite busy , entwining fingers with his new girlfriend !

Mrs Parker , the  50 years old librarian sat again calmly at her  seat , as she kept on playing with the glassy golden rims of her spectacles , checking on what the students in her libraby was actually doing , her almost blocked eardrums now tameously open to pounce on any of them building up a quench of chaos in should-be-silent place !

"Tick Tok " ,
Passing a last stern look to the chirpy blonde girl chattering in the middle of her library , Mrs Parker ceased her golden brows as she looked up towards the old jittering wooden carved wall clock , only to found it was 5 : 30 in the shadey hues of evening  !

Her stern orbs slowly blended into a concern look as her head turned straight towards the one , sitting just in front of her !

Besides the blue dusky  ironed ravishing coat , hanging effortlessly on the side of the steel-cremated chair , there sat the 20 years old lad , rolling the upper sleeves of the transparent white colour shirt , trapping his extremely  gripping forearm , his bright black orbs shinning as he was looking down on something plated on the desk , a determined , wide smile plastered on his slight naturally pinkish lips ! 

"My boy , its already 5:30 pm ! "

"Hmm ? "

"Do you even realize dear, you are sitting here since the last 5 hours ? "

"Yes Ma'am ! "

"Go home young man !
Take some rest ! "

"Just 10 minutes more ma'am ... please ! " , the guy pleaded in his steady , sweet and toned voice , his eyes still absorbing in the old direction , as Mrs . Parker let out a loud sigh , softly looking at her most favourite student , now busy reading the same article ,  enthusiastically for the umpteenth number of times , the one roaring with the block-letter heading ,

"The Hindu's Widow Remarriage Act - Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar "  !


Heyaa my dear readers ❤ ,
My updating speed is increasing , isn't it ?

Truly speaking , I  became so overwhelmed by your response on " prologue 1 " , that I couldn't keep myself from writing this one !
Thank you so much for your love and support always !

Since , I am going on a very short trip and returning back , I will be busy with the submission of practical-projects , I just thought to give this one , before I might be able to take out time for writing the next chapter of "Spectacular " !

A sincere sorry from your lazy writer , please do forgive me as there might be detailing or information mistakes in this part , since I didn't do proper homework (nervous smiles ) !
I hope this prologue didn't disappoint you , also no more prologues , get ready to witness the chapter 1 next !

I hope this part was worth-reading for you all . Please do let me know your views in the comment section , I will be eagerly waiting for them . Also tell me whether you liked this part or not ! 

Till the next one , please ignore my mistakes and bless me with your votes and comments ❤❤❤

They are very precious for me 🍁🍁

Writer - Ritwika 😊

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