Blood Sacrifice (Hyunjin x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, may I ask, do you keep up with the news?" He questioned.
"Yeah, I do, why?"
"Have you heard about the schoolgirl killer? It's quite a bright name, isn't it. Detectives aren't very creative." Hyunjin said, half chuckling.
"What about him?" I asked.
That's when he dropped his umbrella, looking to me.
That smile was long gone.
I backed up, which only gave him the advantage of pushing me into the wall, his hot breath rushing against my neck, making me shudder against the icy cold of the winters eve.
"Did you tell anyone where you were going tonight." He whispered, every letter a warm brush against my nape, sending fear down my spine.
"No.." I whispered back.
He had his hand on my wrist, keeping it against the cold brick wall.
"Good girl~" he cooed.
With his other hand, I saw a gleam of silver, as he pulled out a pocket knife.
"Do you happen to have any guesses who it is?" He whispered, running the knife across my neck, very faintly.
I could feel it scratching against my skin.

"You..." I whispered.
He grinned.
Not his usual wide smiley grin.
A wicked grin, filled with sick sadistic pleasure.
"Do they know.." I asked.
"Who? My friends.. well.. how do you think I got away with twenty three murders.." he said, his head right against my neck, as he brushed his lips against my skin.
"You're crazy.." I said, feeling tears brim at the edge of my eyes.
He pulled away, glaring at me.
"Crazy? My dear I'm more than crazy. Psychotic, insane, but you know, watching you girls scream is quite interesting. No one is ever the same. Jihyo last night, was especially interesting. The way she called out for you as she died- Ah what a beautiful thing." He laughed.
"Fuck you." I hissed.
"That's no way to treat me. You know, I've had my eyes on you for awhile now.. I just needed the perfect time. We could have been friends, you could have joined me and my friends. But you just blew me off every time. This is your fault." He spat, pulling his arm back, stabbing me.
I felt the warm blood trickle before I felt the pain.

It was excruciating, sending me onto my knees, as a muffled scream filled the alley.
Hyunjin half-covered my mouth.
"Shhh darling, the cops will hear. You don't want that."
"Go to hell." I spat.
"I will be one day, dear, but not today. Your life doesn't go to waste, you know." He said, his eyes gleaming in the pale moonlight, flickering through ashen storm clouds.
He pulled a syringe from his pocket, fiddling with its end.
That's when he grabbed for my arm, pulling it out.
The maroon-red liquid filled it within an instant.
That's when he got another, and did the same.
"You're helping me and my friends build an empire. Our god- he's very pleased. He's been waiting for you, for your soul, for your blood." Hyunjin chuckled.
Eight syringes later, he looked to me.
I was struggling to keep my eyes open, my stomach still oozing out.
He held my chin.
"Babe, don't cry, okay? We'll be able to meet again in the next life." He said, smiling sadly.
"Can't I still join you guys.." I said, my voice breaking into a sob.

"I was scared to talk to you all.. you're all popular, and I knew rumours would spread.. Jihyo also wouldn't be comfortable hanging around the eight of you." I sobbed, turning away.
"Well, I could save you.. but you see, you'd have to join us. Make a blood sacrifice for our god. You have to get your blood out yourself." Hyunjin said, handing me the knife.
I held it warily in my hand, hovering it above my arm.
"I can't do it.." I sobbed. "It's going to hurt.."
Hyunjin held my hand steady.
"Just a small prick, okay?" He said, helping me to hover it over my finger.
"Just like a paper cut."
I looked away, slicing quickly.
It stung, but it could have been worse.
Hyunjin grabbed another vial, placing it against my finger, muttering away to himself.
That's when I felt myself black out.
"Don't fight him, Y/N..."
It was dark.
Darker than a black void.
There was nothing, but the screaming voices inside my head.
Was this the end? Am I dying? Am I dead?
"You're not dead, Y/N." A voice whispered out.
"Who are you." I yelled.

"I'm their god, their saviour. I can be yours, too. Just take my hand." The voice said.
That's when the room lightened up, to reveal that I was in a giant glass cube.
A pale shadow stood in front of me, a ram mask over his face.
What was I getting myself into.
Jihyo, am I selfish for wanting to survive.
So I put my hand out, mine touching its.
That's when I felt the whole world tilt, then a lurching feeling in my stomach.
My mind was fuzzy, twisting.
"Don't fight me. Otherwise I'll have to kill you."
So I gave up fighting, and let myself sink.
Then I woke up, back aching.
But the cut was gone.
I was in a bathroom.
Hyunjin was in the corner, a dark robe wrapped around his body.
A ram skull lay sideways on his head, as he outed the contents of the syringes down the sink.
Another one of his friends came in.
"Hyunjin are you an idiot! He wants a sacrifice tonight, and you went and saved her!" A man yelled.

"I like her. You all said we were allowed to save one. This is my one. She has to kill someone to join us, remember? So let tonight be her night." Hyunjin said. "No need to be so uptight, Bang Chan. It'll all be fine."
"It better be." With that, Bang Chan stormed off.
Hyunjin turned, to see me awake.
"How do you feel babe!!" He asked, hugging me.
"Weird.." I whispered.
My head was all fuzzy. I couldn't remember what happened earlier.
All I knew was I had one person to serve.
He was hungry. He needed a sacrifice.
"Let's go find him a sacrifice, will we? Come on, babe." Hyunjin said, helping me stand.
Then two hours later, I had a knife in my hand, stabbing it into a woman's chest.
I felt nothing.

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