14 || Auradon Cathedral

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," Mal says.

"Mal, would you wear my ring?" Ben asks and goes to slide his ring on her finger but she pulls her hand back.

"Um... not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me. I have something for you." Mal says as she remembered the box in her hand.

"For me?" Ben asks

"Yeah. It's just for later, you know when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy." Mal explains and gives him the box

"Always thinking. But I can't wait," Ben says as he opens the box and takes a bite out of the cupcake.

"No!" Mal yells but it was already too late.

"Mm. Mm... Mm! This is really good" Ben says.

"Uh, do you...Do you feel okay?" Mal asks Ben.

"You bet." Ben answers.

"Would you say that you're still in... that... that you have very strong feelings for me?" Mal asks.

"I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take effect." Ben says which made but suddenly Mal soon realized what he just said. "Yeah... Okay. What? What? You knew?" Mal says while Ben laughs.

"That you spelled me? Yeah. Yeah, I knew." He says.

"I'm... I can explain myself." Mal tries to explain.

"No, look, It's fine. I mean, you had a crush on me. I was with Audrey. You didn't trust that it could happen on its own. Am I right?" Ben explains.

"Yes. You're so right. So, then, how long have you known?" Mal asks him.

"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the Enchanted Lake." Ben answers.

"So then what? You've just been...faking it since then?" Mal asks. Ben then slips the ring on Mal's finger before kissing her hand.

"I haven't been faking anything." He says and the carriage pulls up in front. Mal and Ben got off the carriage and made their way to Belle and Beast.

"About the other day, I just..." Mal begins.

"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy," Beast says.

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy." Ben explains.

"I did?" Beast says and Belle slaps his arm "I... how very wise of me."

"Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart." Belle says to Ben.

"Thanks, Mom," Ben says.

"You're gonna make a fine king," Beast says before taking Belle's hand and walking away.

"Wish me luck." He tells Mal and she gets escorted inside.

(Maya's P.O.V)

Evie, Carlos, Jay, and I were standing on top of the balcony in front of the choir. We all look very nervous as we are scared that we will screw this up and make our parents disappointed. When Ben enters the room, we all bowed as he makes his way to the front. Fairy Godmother then takes the Beast's crown from his head as Ben kneels in front of the wand and she places the crown on his head.

Beast lifts the glass and Belle passes the wand to Fairy Godmother, while Mal looks at the four of us before looking back at the wand. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy Godmother asks Ben.

"I do solemnly swear," Ben answers.

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king." Fairy Godmother says as she touches the wand to each of Ben's shoulders, but the wand was soon snatched away from Fairy Godmother. It all happened so fast and by the time any of the Vks could react, a spark flew out of the wand.

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