Part 6

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Y/n pov

God I can't stop thinking about life. Like it's a fever dream. I never asked for it. God stood me up. I never asked to be like this. I just can't stop thinking. He is gonna take me back, I am gonna lose everything, if he takes me back I will end up dying. I couldn't go back there. I was lying in my bed looking up at the ceiling. I am fucking scared. I just lie in my bed hopefully i will disappear, it will all be better if I go.

Dada: honey you need to wake up we have a meeting with the lawyers

Y/n: ok.
Is all I respond with.

I get up, and have a blistering hot shower. I know it's not healthy. But it makes my skin burn and it feels good. After that I put on jeans and a sweater with converse. I do light makeup mascara blush and lip stick. I put my hair in two french braids.

Dad: you ready sweat heart

Y/n: mhm

Dada: we are gonna have all the uncle and aunts there

Y/n: ok, is aunt drista gonna be here

Dad: she is flying in tomorrow.

I nodded. I am nervous. I haven't ate in a couple days. I can't stomach it. It's so hard to live in a reality when a person that abused you mentally and emotionally is still out there. We walked out the door and I sat in the back seat leaning on the window hopping I would disappear.

The silence got broke when

Dada: sweetie, I know this is hard. And I promise it will work out. We love you.

Y/n: ok i love you guys too.

When we made it to the appointment everyone was there. Uncles and aunts.

George pov

Lawyers: so how do we feel, the court date is tomorrow

Clay: nervous

Karl: we are gonna win though because we have more people than him

Wil: we will win

George: what's your guys plan.

Lawyers: yep we have everything all the evidence. The people who will be going up speaking is y/n and George and Clay.  Wil and maybe niki.


I was just sitting in the chair between dada and Uncle Tom. Blank face pale and not really caring. I have lost interest in listening into the conversation so I have just blocked it out. I already know what's gonna happen when i speak. I am going to cry yell and probably swear at David.

Uncle Alex: how do you feel y/n

Y/n: oh-um good.

Uncle Karl: you sure?

Uncle nick: you look tired.

Uncle Jack: and pale.

uncle Wil: y/n?

Uncle toM: when was the last time you slept

Y/n: last night

Aunt niki: y/n

Y/n: what
I said a little more irritated

Dada: y/n were worried

Y/n: ok, I am worried too

Dad: the appointment is over we have everything why don't we go home and you can sleep with patches.

Y/n: ok

Sequel: teenage years Where stories live. Discover now