Part 2

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I walked out of the house and into Megan's car. I do I meant I was a little scared but I was ready. When we got there the party was already started, there's some people drinking and stuff but my dad's of always told me not to.

As the night went on things got a little more hectic there's a knock at the door.

Nic: there is a guy here for you say he is your dad idk

Y/n: alright

As I walked and open to the door there I met face-to-face with Dave not my dad. Never was my dad. Was just a man in my life. He took me by the hand and yanked me out of the house. He hit me kicked me.  Punched me. I was bleeding all over I was on the floor.

David : I missed you.

Y/n: go the fuck away.

David: come on get up

Y/n: shut the fuck up
I said in between sobs.

He eventually went on a phone call leaving me there bleeding head split open nose bleeding lips bleeding bruises everywhere. I got that opportunity to try and get myself up and run home. Little did I know he was following me.

George pov.

Me and Clay started the stream off with just chatting and moved into playing a little bit of Minecraft with everyone. Including Karl Nick Alex Tommy Wilbur and that was it. About an hour and a half into the stream we heard a knock on the door.

Clay: I will grab it you just keep talking.

Clay pov

I got up and went to the door, I didn't expect anybody to be here because y/n was sleeping over at Megan's house. I open the door in there I saw on my own daughter covered in blood bruises wounds and other outstanding things I can't put into words.


George pov

I obviously ended the stream when I heard
Clay  yell that. I didn't know it was happening but I sprinted downstairs to see what was. Very sore and daughter covered in blood.

George: oh lord y/n, sweetie what happened.

Y/n pov

I made it to the house barely on my 2 feet and my dad answered the door I collapse at the front. Barely breathing but still able to talk.

Y/n: d-David he s-saw me at the ppparty

Clay: oh shit.

George: come here

I crawled over to dada and he help me in his arms while I cried and dad was on the phone with police when we heard a knock on the door dada answered it and there he was the person who beat me almost to death.

George: hey go the fuck away

David: I just wanted you to know that you mother died because of you. You were my worst nightmare having you.  God I hated you. I do still hate you. Your mother would of to.


George: just leave alright

Clay: hey the police are on there way with an ems. He will arrest you.

David: perfect.

Y/n: cant you see I am actually fucking happy. Cant you see that. Wait no because you are too fucking blind to even realize to know what you are doing is wrong. So what are you on. Perc molly morphine. What is it

David: listen here you little bitch-


then the police showed up at the door and took away David . I was still bleeding on the floor when the EMS came in both of my dad's road in the EMS with me and I was scared. Shaking not being able to breathe both of my dad's holding my hands be looking into their eyes and say dry weary tears.

Y/n: please do-don't cry

Dad then wiped his tears.

When we go to the hospital I got my own room and they stitched me up and gave me meds. I was still so tired and weak. Both dad sat by my bedside the whole night when we woke up the next morning uncle  Nick Alex Karl were all there surprise me

Karl: how you feeling kiddo.

Y/n: like I am the king.

I I said funnily because I was still on meds that made me fuzzy.

Nick: ahh how long you been on meds

Clay: about 4 hours now

Y/n: hey nah I am not on meds I am just very funny

Alex: mhm. Sureeee

Y/n: hey don't disrespect y/n like that. She may be crippled but she could be you in a fight.

George: yep for sure let's get you up and home.

Y/n: but I ammm sooooo comfy

Clay: I know but-

Y/n: omg you know who I haven't spoken to in a whiLe

George: who

Y/n: auntie drista

Clay: oh yeah. Do you want to ft her

Y/n: omg yesssss

Dad gave me the phone

Y/n: thanks dad

Drista: hey y/n I heard what happen you hanging in there

Y/n: girlie you missed a whole ass episode

George: watch the language

Y/n: ayo we got an uncle  bad boy halo on our hands.

aunt drista and I talked until it was time for me to go.

Clay: ready sweetie

Y/n: mhm
I then got out of bed really fast but uncle nick caught me.

Y/n: thank you for catChing me

Nick: no problem. You dads prolly would of killed me if I didn't

Y/n: your really funny uncle nick

We all got in the car and went back home.

Y/n: omg where patches

Then she came up to me

Y/n: hi kitty

George: do you want to go lie with her in your bed while you get some rest

Y/n: yes come on patches.

Both dads helped me up the stairs

Y/n: thank you
I said as they put patches on my bed

George: you welcome

Then I started to cry

Clay: honey why are you crying

Y/n: because I am soooo thankful than you helped me.

George: oh honey that was dads are supposed to do

Y/n: can you guys lie with me
I said as I was sniffling

Clay: 100%

They then lied down with me

Y/n: I love you guys

Dads: we love you more

Y/n: well I love you the mostest

Dads: not possible

Then we all fell asleep

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I got my phone taken away rip anyway hope you guys enjoyed will be updating more frequently love y'all


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