'Get out'

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We finally arrived to school after I had to drag Melissa away from the pancakes because we were already running late. We ran to our first class and right after we sat in our seats the bell rang and Mr. Smith walked into class.

"Hello class today we're gonna be talking about the book that was due over break."

Mr. Smith goes on about the book, but I zone out thinking about my decision. I definitely want to keep the baby, but i have to tell my parents and I don't think they'll agree.  My parents are CEO's over a big company here in Chicago, and they want me to take over one day, so they set rules. Lots of rules. One being always have a 4.0 gpa. Which I've already failed. Another being take a business class. That one is in progress. And much more.

They rarely allow me to go out to parties so I have to sneak out most on the time. They expect me to study 24/7, which is not something I can do let alone handle that on top of all the extra activities they want me to do. It's just impossible.

"Katelyn!" Mr. Smith yells glaring at me.


"Can you restate the last sentence of the book, it was the most meaningful, and sentence you had to write an essay on." Mr. Smith says.

"Well to be honest sir I didn't write the essay." I say looking at the teacher.

"Well did you at least read the book?"

"Nope." I say popping the p.

"Katelyn please step out in the hall." Mr smith says.

I knew he was going to try and give me the "you have potential" talk so instead of waiting for him outside the door I walked away.

First to the bathroom, then to visit one of my friends in another classroom. My next mission was the bathroom until one of the school counselors found me and took me to the office where I saw both my parents waiting.

"Welcome Miss Miller please take a seat, we have a lot to discuss." The principal says.

As I was walking to my seat I could feel my parents glares at the side of my head.

"Okay, let's get started, so Mrs. and Mr. Miller Katelyn has been missing lots of classes and a lot of her assignments are incomplete or just not turned in. Is everything at home okay?" The principal says.

"Everything at home is fine ma'am, I had no idea this was going on I'll be sure to talk to her when we get home." My mom says giving me a death stare.

"Okay, we'll luckily for Katelyn to help her get her grades up we would like to offer her a tutor." The principal suggests.

"My daughter doesn't need a tutor, but thank you for the offer ma'am." My father interrupts. The principal nods.

The principal told my parents to take me home for the day since there was only one more class left. As soon as we got home my parents immediately start yelling and screaming at me.

"KATELYN! please explain what that principal just said to us." My mom says taking off her boats and coat.

"Well Mother, I have been skipping my classes and I don't feel like doing my work." I say smiling at her.

"Katelyn we've been talking about this since you were little, you keep your 4.0 and then when you get old enough you take over the company." My dad says.

"And I've told you dad, I don't want to take over the company." I say turning to my father.

"Oh come on Katelyn just give up the being a cook dream it's so unrealistic." My mom says.

"No thank you." I say smiling.

My mom starts to lose her patience and continues to yell. "Katelyn, you will get your grades up, stop skipping classes and take over the company. That's final!" My mom says and my dad nods.

"No mom i won't."

"Why, why not Katelyn?!" My mom says.

"Because I'm pregnant and I want my babies mother to be a chef!" I says.

The looks are my parents face drops and so does mine once I realize what I said.

"Get out." My dad says.

"What?" I ask quietly on the verge of tears.

"Get out!" My mother yells.

I run upstairs and pack as much clothes as possible in a bag and run to my car. I get in the car and drive to a parking lot in a nearby store and call Ethan. Ethan moved out of the house with Melissa and Miss Mathews about a year ago because he felt he needed more personal space. He still visits at home a lot though.

"Hello?" He says on the other line.

"Ethan can I come over please, I told my parents and they kicked me out, just please can I come over, I need someone and you're the only person I can come to about this." I say while sobbing.

"Yes of course, I'll send you the address now. Everything will be okay Katelyn i promise." Ethan says I'm a soothing voice.

I get the messages of his address, so i wipe my tears so I could see clearly and hang up and immediately make my way over there.

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