Chapter 11:Chrysanthemum

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Waking up to see his face next to mine was quite a morning for me. I have not been able to experience this for a long and as cheesy as it sounds, I have missed it. The pain from last night's fight has already stopped making me able to sit up straight and was surprised to see Suho putting stickers on Rang's back.

I remained silent all the way as I continued to watch him place the stickers randomly. Once finished he looked at me with a smile as his small finger motions me to keep quiet. I let out a little laugh before standing up and patting his head before carrying him out of the room.

"How long have you been wearing that?" I asked noticing the same clothes on him, "Have you even washed it?"

He responded by shaking his head.

I sighed copying his little action. "Let's buy some clothes at a department store later. Rang's very sensitive regarding hygiene."

After successfully removing my patches and taking a much-needed shower, I sat down on the couch and opened the TV which was filled with news regarding the ferocious spread of the virus.

"People are dying from unknown causes in masses," The anchor spoke. "The first of such deaths occurred only two days ago. It is presumed to be a highly lethal, highly contagious disease. All of the victims had red spots... all over their bodies..."

A groan erupts making me stop listening to the news and averted my attention to the male who stepped on a toy truck and is now conversing with Suho.

"Are you okay?" He asked once he saw me looking at them.

"They've healed," I informed him. "Don't worry."

"Who says I was?" He smirked before disappearing into the bathroom making me scoff.

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"I bet you were really worried. They're both okay," Mr. Yeon assured Jiah after coming back from their house to confront the Imoogi. "I erased their memories. Your parents won't remember meeting Imoogi."

"Thank you, Yeon." Jiah smiled. And reassured Shinju that it was not his fault.

"What's your plan?" I asked after they settled down.

"I'm going to join hands with Imoogi."

"What? What do you mean?" Shinju asked confused as I.

"I guess my wife, decided to give up on you." Mr. Hyunuiong concluded

"She gave me a chance to fight one more time."

"Be more specific."

"I got myself two more days." Mr. Yeon glanced at Jiah, "And you'll be fine."

"Does that mean I'll be..." Jiah trailed.

"Yes, of course. I won't let you die," He confirmed her thoughts. "Not on my watch."

"Then what about joining hands with Imoogi?"

"It's obviously a trap."

"I knew it."

"What did my wife ask in return?"

"Nothing. She just asked me to catch him no matter what."

"Yeon." Mr. Hyunuiong called wanting to know more details. So did I, there were many questions already forming. His plan itself was confusing and vague.

"Next time," The nine-tailed fox answered. "I'll tell you the details next time. I want to go eat with Ji A." He smiled at us reassuringly but deep inside we all knew he was hiding something. "I'll go get changed."

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"What do you mean?" I asked standing up, anger already forming. "Why would you swallow its scale?"

"Because if I do, Imoogi," Mr. Yeon began to explain. "Who's inside of Ji A, will transfer over to me... then I'll take him with me... and jump into the Samdo River."

"No. Definitely not." I protested shaking my head. "I'm sure there's another way."

"It isn't..." Mr. Yeon started noticing the way I am acting in refusal. "Just Jiah. Countless lives being lost... because of this plague are at stake as well. I thought about every possibility available, and this is the only way to catch him."

"I want to say I'll swallow his scale and
jump into the Samdo River." I whispered my tears threatening to escape. "But I can't handle Imoogi. Still, Don't do it. Please, don't do it. Your soul can't be saved then. You can't be reincarnated or anything."

"I know."

"Then why?!" At this point, a tear already run down my cheeks. "You won't die."

"Ahri," He cooed. "You must... understand me. I'm telling you everything because it's you."

"Well, I don't understand." I said clutching his shirt, "I never did. You're so mean. You're not any different than my master."

Mr. Yeon didn't say anything else but instead pulled me into a hug. Perhaps in a way, what I said was true, and that he couldn't say anything made it better.

"Ahri, I know deep down, you're starting to understand," He told me.

"Then, what do you need me to do then?" I asked still trying to calm down.

"Don't get caught up in this battle," Mr. Yeon instructed. "Stay alive, and protect Jiah. If possible, help Shinju in looking after her."

"I will."

"And if Rang... suffers heartbreak and acts out again, you'll give him an earful. Tell him to get his act together."

"I don't think I can do that," I chuckled.

"Enjoy your life," Mr. Yeon pat my shoulder and stood up. "Thank you for putting up with my temper, you and Shinju."

"Mr. Lee..." I started. "Thank you for keeping me company."

With a smile, he nodded and closed the door.

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"Someday, when the Imoogi in her calls for you... You'll become my soldier."

Everything was a blur, the next thing I knew was that I was choking Mr. Yeon as he struggled from all our grip before eventually flying us away.

"Darn, my head." I heard Rang mutter as I finally started regaining my senses. We tried to apologize to Mr. Yeon but he was in a rush, probably because Granny is in danger.

"Rang, come with me." He rushed out and pointed at Jiah, "Take Jiah with you."

But before he could take a pinch of her clothes the Immogi in her spoke, "Let go. I can get there myself."

Rang turned to me in reassurance as I nodded.

"Be careful."

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