Chapter 5: Snapdragons

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Anger, sadness, and disappointment, were evident in Mr. Yeon's eyes as he continued to look at me. After putting Jiah to sleep, we both went to visit the Afterlife Immigration Office to confirm our suspicion about Imoogi which was indeed true. Worse, a part of it is in Jiah's.

"I'm sorry," I told him. He didn't even scold me for not doing my best in stopping Jiah trade the fox bead. Knowing its purpose, I should have because the moment it was gone, she looked different as if she became an easy prey.

"They already made the deal before you could even stop it," He reasoned out. "It's okay."

"I'll help you protect her."

"That's my job." He shook his head, "You go and look for him, If anything, I'll call you."

I sighed as I continued to walk but a cry from a child made me stop.

"No!" I heard him plead. Glancing at the dark alleyway from where the sound came from, I proceeded to follow the noise.

Stopping at the sight of three drunk adult men taunting a little boy as he continued to beg them to stop. I remained silent for a moment observing what was happening as the boy was suddenly pushed to the ground in front of me.

"Hey," I called out stepping to reveal myself. "What are you doing?"

"Get lost woman." One of them sneered, while I continued to walk and stopped in front of the boy to separate them. "It's dangerous to be out this late, especially around us."

"Miss." The boy whispered as he slightly pulled the hem of my shirt causing me to look at him, "Please leave, I don't want you to get hurt as well."

Sensing an incoming punch, I immediately reacted to grab a hold of his wrist before twisting it. He screamed in pain as his two friends of his looked at us in shock and made a stance, ready to fight.

"Close your eyes," I said already covering the little boy's eyes with my other hand, not wanting him to see what I was about to do.

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"Miss, Can I ask what you did to those men?" The boy, who introduced himself as Lee Suho asked.

"Tied them up and threw them in the dumpster." I truthfully replied not finding any reason why I should lie to him other than him being too young to know such things but seeing how he was treated I'm assuming he's matured enough to understand.

"Why were they hurting you anyways?" I asked.

"I accidentally ran into them."

"That's it?" I asked after seconds of silence passed by with him waiting to elaborate more. He hummed and finished up the ice cream that I bought for him.

"Go home," I told him as we both exited the ice cream shop. "Your parents must be worried, make sure to tell them that some men were troubling you."

"I don't think he would care." He mumbled looking at me with pleading eyes, "Can't I come with you instead?"

"I can't take you with me." I sighed wondering what this kid is going through. He looked down before eventually nodding his head and bidding me goodbye.

"Boy can't even stop his runny nose." I chuckled lightly, "Have I met him before?

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"Ahri!" One of the nurses called, "Your phone has been ringing aren't you going to answer it?"

"Hold on," I answered rushing to put all the materials back in their places before taking my phone.

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